"FOR CHRISTMAS, I W A N T . . A Children are not the only ones who know what they would like for Christmas. We older ones, too, forget that Christmas is the day set aside to commemorate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. How fitting then that we give Him gifts of our love. And what better presentation than those who havebeen won to Christ. But how will we reach them? One ofthe great tools for evangelism today isthe printed page. Select a half-dozen or more people whom you love and whom you want to remember in some way this Christmas — Christians and non-Christians.
Send them a year's subscription to the beautiful KING’S BUSINESS. Let this trusted, half-century old, dedicated publication reach them with practical, stimulating help throughout the twelve months ahead. Next Christmas may forever betoo late. Signs point to the nearness of the Lord's return. We must do all we can to reach men and women for Christ. The froth of what the world hasto offer wrapped in tinsel and ribbon is not the answer. Give them the meat of the Word of God which is able to make onewise unto salvation, and to build up the saints in the most holy faith!
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by sending a year’s subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS. Then, so often, we tend to forget our missionaries, except for a hurried prayer. Out on the front lines of Satan’s dominion their struggles are intensified. How refreshing to hear from home every month, and to know of your thoughtfulness during the coming year. (Their subscription will follow them home should they leave on furlough.)
We do not suggest you give THE KING’S BUSINESS to every one on your list! But . . . as you write your order, think of those to whom you have already spoken a word for Christ— those to whom you want to have a continuing testimony. Also, don’t over look young married couples. Perhaps there have beensome you have wanted to remember with a wedding present or shower gift. What better way to help them in their spiritual growth than
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