King's Business - 1962-11


n e w s g r a m s


by James O . H en ry Chairman, History Department, Biola College


the Academy of Religion and Mental Health. Psychiatrists, he said, com­ plain that conventional psychoanaly­ sis is not effective against the neuros­ is, and that increasingly the patients “ doubt that life has any meaning.” Dr. Frankl said that he calls this condition “ existential vacuum.” He said that a survey made at the Uni­ versity of Vienna has disclosed that 81 per cent of the American students who attended his lectures professed a feeling of the “ultimate absurdity” of life, while only 40 per cent of his German, Austrian and Swiss students did so. However, he went on to say: “ From these percentages we must not draw the conclusion that the existen­ tial vacuum is predominantly an Am­ erican disease, but rather that it is apparently a concomitant of industri­ alization.” Dr. Frankl told the gath­ ering that the existential vacuum seemed to result from man’s loss of “ instinctual security which surrounds an animal’s life, and the more recent loss of traditions that once governed his life.” “At present,” he declared, “ instincts do not tell man what he has to do, nor do traditions direct him toward what he ought to do; soon he will not even know what he wants to do — will be led by what other people want him to do, thus com­ pletely succumbing to conformism.” What Dr. Frankl is saying is that man, indicated in Romans Chapter 1, has sought to eliminate God from his mind and this is the inevitable result. Canada’s divorce rate dropped in 1961 to its lowest point since 1944, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics re­ ported recently. The rate stood at 35.6 divorces per 100,000 population, compared with 39.2 in 1960 and 63.4 in the peak year of 1947. The number of divorces fell to 6,486 from 6,980 the previous year. British Columbia and Alberta continued to report the highest and second-highest provincial rates. Ontario had the largest num­ ber of divorces and the third-highest rate. The Report did not indicate the reasons for the decline. Divorces in Canada Show Sharp Decline

Soviet W ill Execute Three For Swindle in Apples Three Ukrainians have been sen­ tenced to death for a large-scale swin­ dle in apples, Trud, the newspaper of the Soviet Trade Unions, reported recently. Trud stated that the three had headed a ring of Government employees who charged the Govern­ ment top prices for low-grade apples and pocketed the difference. Four oth­ er members of the ring were each sentenced to fifteen years in prison. An unspecified number of others re­ ceived sentences ranging from five to twelve years. Trud declared that millions in rubies and valuables had been found hidden in the homes of the defendants. Marx and Lenin de­ clared that their system of Commun­ ism would eliminate all graft and greed. It would seem that they did not take into account human nature. Dean Samuel Pratt, dean of Fair- leigh Dickinson University in Wis­ consin, recently was hanged in effigy in a student protest over administra­ tion “ tyranny.” A target of the pro­ test was a decree that male students wear white shirts and ties in classes, in the library and dining rooms. About 400 students rallied on the cam­ pus, in support of a demand for more authority for the student council. Speakers also charged that a score of faculty members had resigned or been dropped in the last two years because of “ tyrannical administra­ tion.” The dean’s reply to the mass meeting and the hanging in effigy was that he often had been proud of the student body, but “ today was not one of the times.” New Type of Neurosis Recently an increase in a new type of neurosis, characterized mainly by loss of interest and lack of initiative, was reported by a noted Viennese psy­ chiatrist. Dr. Viktos E. Frankl, pres­ ident of the Austrian Medical Socie­ ty for Psychotherapy, a professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Uni­ versity of Vienna, reported this neu­ rosis at the third annual meeting of NOVEMBER, 1962 Dean of College Hanged in Effigy Over Dress Rules


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