King's Business - 1962-11

The same faith and prayer Ev an g e lize the Jew » EH LS ti year after year. Continue Our program to evangelize the Jewish people every- to labor with us in prayer where has expanded with the increasing interest and stewardship, in our work on the part of Christian friends. Our Wrlte for {ree copy of our missionary outreach now includes: bi-monthlymagazine, th e „ . _ _ _ . EVERLASTING NATION, Umtcdl States, Israel, Hungary, with inspiring articles and _ n . . r t. • —j news reports of world France, Belgium, Switzerland, Jewry.

North Africa, Mexico, India, South America, Australia, England, Germany

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W H A T M A K E S M A R R IA G E W O R K ? Why does one marriage bog down after 18 months; another at five years; or after 14 years; or even after 30 years? Twenty-seven years and nine children a.m. (after marriage), this wife and mother has attempted an evaluation of her own. Admittedly, living with a preach­ er-husband has been a challenging experience. But this is not a guaran­ tee that life has been a little bit of heaven! Ask either of us. Nor are 27 years any confirmation that the mar­ riage will go on another 10 or 20 years should we both continue to live. Upon the wife of a preacher de­ volves great responsibilities. She has to set an example of godliness, obed­ ience and submission to her husband before family and church family. This is not easy, especially for the woman of initiative and ambition. Upon the preacher, too, rests obligations. Who among his parishioners sits under his teaching-preaching ministry more con­ sistently and regularly than his wife? What is the cohesive quality in a marriage — any marriage? Several facts stand out in bold relief. Mar­ riage demands PURPOSE and PUR­ POSEFULNESS. (This is important when the marriage partner is es­ pecially cranky, unchivalrous, unlov­ ing, unlovable.) PATIENCE is an­ other must. (This is forged on the anvil of tribulation.) There must be PROGRESSIVE GROWTH (in study and learning; in cultivation of love’s flowers). A PRONOUNCED FAITH in the cleansing power of the blood of the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world (John 1:29) is necessary. Indeed, it is upon this cor­ nerstone that the superstructure is built. Marriage, then, to be the blessing and witness God intended it to be calls for all that is best in man and woman. But at the same time it calls for work. Marriage built on love for God in Christ and for each other brings out the best iij those involved. God help us Christians to honor Him in the individual and collective tes­ timonies of our marriages.

Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President

Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board IKITV/l lnternational Board of Jewish Missions, Inc. JLJjJiVJL P.O. Box 1256, Atlanta 1, Georgia

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