King's Business - 1962-11

JOIN TN I A.E.C.C. If you have been colled to preach the Goepel of our Lord Jesus Christ and are In undenomi­ national work, you are invited to become a member of this fast growing organization. Credentials issued to members. Your inquiry invited. AMERICAN EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES 192 a Clerk St. Chicago 1, III.

alumni news by Inez McGahey James ’59 and Joan (Blomgren ’58) Mulder, Brazil, South America: “We have completed our first year here. Language study is never easy, and that has occupied most of our time . . . The new school year began in February . . . Pray for the five


Were sold in 1961 by members of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. They enable you to earn money for your treasury, and make friends for ‘your organization.

Samples FREE to Officials SANGAMON MILLS, INC.

Established 191S

Cohoes, N. .Y

Reach Children!

A pagai — 3 colon 50 fo r $1 .00 pntpold IBM far E17.S0 paatpaM CHURCH FRBSS Bax BEI Mandala, California



TROUBLE L — a tract for i h BOYS AND A G IR LS ^ fl

S T U D Y THE B I B L E IN YOUR OWN HOtM Systematically Under qualified instructors

Jim and Joan Mulder new graduates who will be active in the Lord’s work.” Ruby Miller ’48, Bolivia, South Amer­ ica: “ The national pastor is especially gifted in open air meetings, and profes­ sions of faith have resulted. His wife has been a tremendous help in the chil­ dren’s work . . . W e are building a river boat, hoping to do some river evangeliza­ tion . . . In two weeks of DVBS we reached approximately 50 children with the Word.” Glenn ’53 and Mary ’54 Irwin, South America: “ Greetings from Venezuela. Glenn is away for a week of meetings with a fellow missionary . . . The church has had some problems and needs prayer. W e are very much encouraged with the spirit of evangelism among the Chris­ tians . . . The pastor does need prayer that he might take more responsibility as a leader of his flock.” Fred ’50 and Dorothy Acord, La Cres­ cents, California: “ Dorothy and I were the only ones in the intensive Arabic course at U.S.C., so we had actually a private tutor, an Egyptian, for two hours a day, five days a week . . . The work in Aden is presently understaffed . . . One of the national Christians has re­ turned to his land of the Somali Republic as a missionary to his own people.” Paul ’51 and Nann (Rolph ’52) Tanner, Peru, South America: “ Pray for the health, nerves, and minds of your mission­ aries . . . I met a couple in the hospital the other day who had a Bible from us in Urubamba. The wife asked me to get her another one so that she could continue to study it while she is in bed. Pray for these people.”

To i d e n t i f y y o u r s e l f vh en w r i t i n g a d v e r t i s e r s , s im p ly m e n tio n " K i n g 's B u s i n e s s . ”

"Bible Foundation Course" ...................~.......$ 3.00 "Biblical Geography" (new course) .............. 10.00 "Chapter Summary" — ....................................... 5.00 "Child Evangelism" ...................................- ...... 5.50 "Christ in The Tabernacle" (Talbot) ............ 6.50 "Fundamental Doctrines" (Torrey) ................. 6.50 "God's Ptan of the Ages" (Talbot) ............ 5.00 "Minor Prophets" (5 Units) Feinberg ...... 16.50 "Practical Bible Training" ................................ 2.50 "Prophecies of Daniel" (Talbot) ................... 6.50 "Studies for New Christians" ........................... 1-00 "Studies in Romans" (Talbot) ........................ 5.50 "Studies in the Gospels" ........ 6.50 "The Book of Acts" ....... - ................. 3.50 "The Books ofEphesians" (Talbot) ............. 5.50 "The Book ofRevelation" (Talbot) .......... 6.50 "The Cults" (Talbot) ---------------------------— ........ 6.50


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107.5 me. 19,600 watts ★ 6 :0 0 A .M . to 12:00 Midnight

Evangelical Teacher Training Co 6 Units. Preliminary Certificate $17.00 6 Units (plus 6 Units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ------------------------------- $17.00 All New Bible Geography Course featuring Baker's Bible Atlas, Study guides closely following Biblical narrative ........... $10.00

I Name-

Address- City--------- BIOLA

"The Bible Institute Hour” KBBI 107.5 me 8:30 A .M . Monday through Friday


I Dept. KB11« 558 S. HopeSt., LosAngeles, Calif.



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