King's Business - 1962-11

same of the outstanding hymns of worship and adoration. Two new al­ bums will be appreciated especially at the Yuletide, with “ Christmas Bells,” featuring Paul Mickelson and the orchestra, and the organist him­ self at the console of the N. B. C. pipe organ in a “ Christmas Concert.” This organ recently- was purchased by the

Paul M ickelson heads Supreme.

Mickelsons to be installed in a studio and from which albums will be pro­ duced for Supreme’s other label “ Con­ sole Records.” Webster defines “ supreme” as that which is “highest in degree, quality and excellence in achievement.” “Our desire,” Mickelson frankly admits, “ is to make this a continuing policy in the production of dedicated music for the home, and thereby to strengthen its spiritual bulwarks!” Volunteer workers at Baptist home help to answer radio requests.

Ben A llen (le ft), director of Laymen Singers, checks musical score with organist Don Fontana (at console), and Charles Magnuson.

Recording for “ The Laymen's Hour” is produced by Gil Brink (left), Dick Creamer, assistant, and Tom Sheffrey, engineer.



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