Don't Miss Th is Book of the Hour WHEN GOG'S ARMIES MEET THE ALMIGHTY By Dr. David L. Cooper An exposition of Ezekiel 38 and39. This presentation is a study of the nextgreat event on God's program for the Ages. Will He permit Russia to precipitate a nuclear holocaust, or will He overrule the destinies of
Nations! From God's Holy Word Dr. Coopergives you theanswer to these and other vital questions, provides you with a proper appreciation of these revealing chapters of Ezekiel and he clarifies your understanding of events in the world today. Contains large chart of "The Unfolding of fhe Ages"
GIFT SUBSCRIPTION Sometime ago my sister and I received notice that a gift subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS had been given to us by “A Friend,” and we have been receiv ing the magazine regularly since then. We want to thank you and the friend for this generous gift—one that brings much blessing. Marian Bishop Bower, Suma Ku, Kobe, Japan POSITION OF FUNDAMENTALISM I am writing to express my apprecia tion for your excellent editorials in THE KING’S BUSINESS. They are informa tive, articulate, concise and faithfully state our position as Fundamentalists. I am not ashamed to be classed and identified among that despised group. Quite some time ago I attended a meet ing in which the speaker was (at that time), editor of THE CHRISTIAN CEN TURY. During the course of his forgotten message was one expression which remains with me: “ wooden headed Fundamental ists.” By contrast, I remember a message delivered by William L. Pettingill more than thirty-five years ago; the very words he used remain vividly in my memory as he faithfully declared the immutable truths of God’s Holy Word. “ There were giants in the earth in those days.” Giants, spiritual giants, as compared with the Casper Milquetoast modernists of our day with their little sermonettes which offend not the self righteous religionists nor awaken sinners to the doom which awaits them. Such men as Henry Ostrom, E. J. Pace, Arno Caebelein, George McNeeley, Henry Walton, Ford C. Ottman, William Petting- gill, R. E. Neighbor, Harris Gregg, James M. Gray, T. C. Horton, Keith Brooks, Isaac Page, and others of like stature faithfully proclaimed the Word without apology; I thank the Lord that the breed is not extinct, albeit somewhat reduced. Your editorials are like a refreshing breeze in the sweltering oppressive atmosphere of “ neo-orthodoxy” and the “ new” evan- gelicism. Our prayers are with you, thank God for His truth and the remaining few who will “ earnestly contend.” Paul H. Wilson, (A "wooden-headed fundamen talist), Orlando, Florida SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONTROVERSY Of all the comments I have read on the controversy within the Southern Bap tist Convention, Dr. Sutherland’s editorial is by far the most searching and to the point that I have read. I always share these with a former Pastor. Mrs. D. Lyons, Hackensack, New Jersey
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