NSLHD News - July 12 2024

Message from the chief executive

Adjunct Professor Anthony M. Schembri AM

Dear colleagues,

attend the many NAIDOC activities across our district to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. I had the pleasure of attending the event held at Royal North Shore Hospital and I want to congratulate Peter Shine, NSLHD Executive Director of Aboriginal Health and Torres Straight Islander Health Service, and his team for their hard work in putting these events together. In other news, NSW Health Minister Ryan Park recently visited Royal North Shore Hospital to announce a $10.6 million investment aimed at making patient experience officer positions available across all emergency departments (EDs) within NSW hospitals. Patient experience officers act as a first point of contact for patients arriving to our emergency departments and they play a significant role in ensuring the patient’s experience is optimal and their wellbeing is prioritised. This initiative not only enhances patient care but also takes a substantial load off the clinicians and allows them to focus on treating patients. Our district is fortunate to have six patient experience officers working in our hospitals and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for having such a positive impact and for demonstrating the value of this position is to our patients.

As I move across the district, I always enjoy hearing from our people. Many come forward with suggestions, issues or questions and I find these interactions incredibly helpful in understanding what matters to you. It is essential that everyone feels they have an open line of communication with me, and the district’s executive team. This is why I am excited to be introducing regular virtual town hall meetings. Starting from 18 July, I will host these online meetings with a different member of the NSLHD executive team who will discuss a topic that is important to all staff. We will then open the forum for comments and questions. NSLHD Executive Director of People and Culture Paula Williscroft will join me for the first virtual town hall meeting. Paula will share the valuable insights gained from those of you who participated in the Health and Safety Listen and Learn sessions we ran in May. She will also update you on progress on our Psychosocial Risk Management Project and the launch of our first Sexual and Gender- based Harassment Safety Plan. The first session is scheduled for 2:00pm on Thursday 18 July and you can join online here: https://bit.ly/45XLaR6. For those of you who are unable to join the session, a recording will be made available on the intranet, ensuring everyone has access to the information shared.

Adjunct Professor Anthony M. Schembri AM Chief Executive

It was wonderful to see so many staff



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