NSLHD News - July 12 2024

Executive Director of the NSLHD Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service Peter Shine performing at Royal North Shore Hospital’s NAIDOC Week celebrations

Kiris An Thara Torres Strait Islander dance troupe perform at Hornsby Hospital

‘Ask The Question’ video screening at RNSH

Ryde Hospital’s celebrations

It will involve a simple online tool at the point of care to identify people who may recover well and those who may not. Those who are likely to recover well can be guided by the online resource (Mypainhub.com) which provides accurate advice and exercises to aid recovery. People needing extra care will receive early virtual access to an expert allied health clinician. “For many people living in rural and remote parts of Australia, one of the biggest challenges is access to specialised healthcare, so we hope that through this program, we will broaden access to evidenced-based, effective care and importantly, improve long-term musculoskeletal health,” she said. “We know from our work in metropolitan

regions that increasing support from allied- health clinicians delivers better health outcomes for

higher risk individuals, so we expect this project will now provide a cost-effective solution in rural and remote Australia too.”

Professor Trudy Rebbeck



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