This was truly a blessing and amazing experience. The first thing we were going to do was helping out at an associate school in which the Local Church Mission aries from the southeast invite people who they think will be able to come alongside and help in the ministry but wow what an amazing group of believers who want to see the furtherance of the Gospel in the local churches. Sunday night I was able to go to this small church where Scott was speaking that night, now that was an experince and being from the north you don't always see that lively preaching and personally I did not expect that from Scott. The coolest thing about that small church is that their support each month for Scott and Angie is one week's offering. Now one thing that I figured out about being a Local Church Missionary is that the three most important things that they need or do is the Bible, a car and of course food. I have no idea how much food I had but it was a lot and it was all so good. Wednesday was another awesome experience because I was able to teach an Olympian club but not just any club, there were kids in the club that I actually had at camp this past summer, it was really crazy how that worked out but it did and it ended with me dressing in all kinds of crazy clothes and being pied in the face... Twice! Something that I learned about the ministry on Thursday was that there is alot of communicating with churches by just stopping by and saying hello, lots of communicating! It was cool though because that gave me even more time to get to know Scott and his ministry and I know on the other groups there were sit down questions and answer sessions but I was just able to ask questions left and right with lots of freedom and openness. The mission's trip was truly an amazing expereince and I could thank Scott and Angie and their family for opening their home to me and just sacrificing for me, they are truly servants of God. ~ Myles Jude
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