AchieveNEXT 2022 Compensation Study

Important Leadership Competencies

Important Leadership Competencies

Communication Com unication

60% 47% 38% 29%

Critical Thinking Critical Thinking

Emotional Intelligence/Empathy Emoti nal Intelligence/Empathy

Agility/Change Management Agility/Change Man gement

13% 8% 4%

Financial acumen Fina cial cumen

Conflict Resolution Conflict Resolution



Develop the Workforce

Learning and development mustn’t be confined to managerial and leadership roles. A lack of career development is the second-most-cited reason people leave companies, yet only about a third of mid- market and emerging enterprises include upskilling in their kit of talent-planning tools; they are almost as likely to hire contractors and temps as to invest in the development of their own people.

Talent Planning Initiatives

Talent-Planning Initiatives


Offering more fl exible working arrangements Increasing pay and benefi ts Upskilling existing workforce Address culture issues Hiring temps and contractors Hiring diverse talent Automation to reduce the need for workers Hiring bonuses Outsourcing of non-core functions None O ering mor i r ange ents r si nd benefits i i g orkforce dres c lture is ues c tractors iri g iverse talent Automatio t f r workers Hiring bonuses ut i f - re functions None



31% 31%






0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

20 I 2021-2022 Mid-Market Talent Acquisition, Executive Compensation and Culture Study — Powered by Insperity

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