King's Business - 1968-05


word is not with man but with his Maker. I f that is the case, we must be near that day for we seem on the verge of discovering what only God can reveal. No matter how impressive civilization appears, the man who knows his Bible only smiles at our vaunted progress. We see the majestic skyscrapers rise in their glory of glass and steel. We hear the jets go over. We watch highways belt the nation. We see mechanical marvels pour out of our fac­ tories and read of uncanny discoveries in our lab­ oratories. Some of us are not too impressed. It is only little man playing with his toys. One of these days the house he built with his blocks will come clattering down on his head for “ AS IT WAS . . . SO SHALL IT BE.” The Scriptures tell us why the Cainitic civili­ zation fell (Gen. 6:1-8). We read that “ God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination o f the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” We read that the earth was corrupt before God and filled with vio­ lence. What could better describe our own time? Behind all the glitter and glare, the human heart is still deceitful and desperately wicked and we wallow in lawlessness. We can fly in the air like birds but we do not walk the earth like men. Our Lord described the last chapter o f our civilization as a carcass awaiting the vultures. We are told that in the days before the Flood

“ o u t as the days o f Noe were, so shall also the D coming of the Son of man be” (Matt. 24:37). “As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son o f man” (Luke 17:26). History repeats itself. We fancy that we are living in a new age when actually we are playing an old cracked record and by now we should be learning some of the lessons it teaches. True, we have nuclear power, television, deep freezes and give-away shows but these are only a few frills on the same kind of civilization that existed before the Flood. The fourth chapter of Genesis tells us about that civilization. Cain built a city and when men started building cities they multiplied their trou­ bles. Jabal was the patriarch of country life. Jubal excelled in arts. Tubal-cain started manufactur- ing. They had all the elements o f material civiliza­ tion and it was a time of advancement and culture. But, for all that, the antedeluvian age ended in destruction. Today we live in a fairyland of gadgets and gimmicks. We ride the skies and are headed for the moon. We have harnessed the atom, conquered diseases and devised machines that almost think. We seem close to the secret of life itself. It looks as though any day we might reach the ultimate. But we know from the Word o f God that our Tower of Babel will crash in ruin. Just when man thinks ■ he has reached the Promised Land of “ Peace and Safety,” God will step in and take over. The last


MAY, 1968

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