King's Business - 1968-05

the sons of God married the daughters of men (Gen. 6:1-4). Some think these sons o f God were fallen angels. Others believe that the passage re­ fers to the intermingling of the evil descendants of Cain with the godly line of Seth. In any case, it was an unholy mixture and God sent judgment upon it. This is a day of unholy mixtures. We are sep­ arating what God has joined, in the breakdown o f marriage and home, and we are mixing what God has separated. When we do that, we are in trouble. All kinds of reformers are cooking their Mulligan stews. Some think that we can take care o f the bad eggs of humanity by mixing everybody into one omelet. The nations are gradually being merged in­ to one world state, the churches into one world church, all religions into one world faith. Com­ munism would create a classless order by erasing all distinctions. The races are being mingled into what opens the door to mongrelization. The pro­ fessing church and the world have married. Pro­ motors o f these projects seek to embarrass Chris­ tians by making them appear unloving and un- Christlike if they refuse to be swept off their feet by this avalanche. All of these schemes for leveling the mountains, into one plain, all these movements for steamrollering all individuality into one uni­ formity, are part of the program of Antichrist, getting humanity ready for the Ultimate Lie. They are the designs of unregenerate men to build the kingdom without the King, a counterfeit millen­ nium and a profane Paradise. Be not deceived! This godless pre-flood amalgamation produced giants (Gen. 6:40), but they ended up clinging to the wreckage of a drowning world. Today we boast of giants in industry, education, science and poli­ tics. But along with the tycoons and the moguls comes the Deluge! The whole gigantic set-up is doomed to destruction for “ as it was, so shall it be.” God’s Spirit will not always strive with man. This civilization will perish, not by water but by fire. The earth already is stored up for judgment as Peter tells us. There will be scoffers who see no signs o f our Lord’s return and who thereby be­ come signs themselves, advertising the very thing they deny! Luke tells us that in the days of Noe and Lot they were “ eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, planting and building.” Now all of these pursuits are proper in their place but when engaged in to excess or to the exclusion of God and the things o f God, they become sinful. Today these things have become our life. Listen to people talk on the streets, in hotel lobbies, wherever they gather, and you will find that ninety per cent of the conversion is about some form o f eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, buying and selling, planting and building. Worldliness is not limited to a few selected sins like dancing and gambling. Worldliness con­ sists in being taken up with this world until it 12

becomes our life. America is obsessed with eating and drinking, from the honky-tonks to cocktail parties in diplomatic gatherings; marrying and giving in marriage, with Hollywood setting the pattern; buying and selling, until we shall be re­ membered, not by great music, but by singing commercials; planting and building, like the rich farmer in our Lord’s parable, whom God called a fool. Every great nation has gone this way to ruin but we do not profit from their example. One of the lessons of history is that we learn no lessons from history. We read that the generation of Noah’s time “KNEW NOT until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming o f the Son of man be.” They could have known if they had lis­ tened to Noah but they chose to be ignorant. Peter writes o f scoffers who are willingly ignorant and then he exhorts, “But, beloved, be not ignorant....” It is bad enough to be ignorant when it can’t be helped. Wilful ignorance is inexcusable. The outstanding characteristic o f this nuclear age, believe it or not, is ignorance. We never had more Ph.D.’s but our modern problem is educated ignorance. Will Rogers said: “ The stupidest fel­ low in the world is an educated man when you get him off the subject he was educated on.” Our Lord said: “Ye do err, NOT KNOWING the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” When a man does not know the Scriptures or the power of God, he is an ignoramus, no matter how many diplomas grace his study walls. Day by day now we watch and hear experts in television panel dis­ cussions and symposiums (a symposium has been described as a place where we pool our ignorance). We hear these specialists diagnose the ills of the world and prescribe treatment and we feel like saying, “ Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.” These men do not know what time it is and will not know until judgment falls. Only the Christian who knows the Scriptures and the power of God belongs to the modern tribe of Issachar with understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do. But there is a bright side to this picture. Dark as was the age before the flood, Enoch walked with God and Noah preached righteousness. God has always had His remnant, His pinch of salt in the midst of all the corruption. He has His faithful minority in this world today. Only He knows how many there are. There are more than some think and fewer than most think. Be not deceived by impressive statistics of church membership. Re­ ligion is popular and joining a church is quite the thing to do. But in all this nominal Christianity, this modern Sardis that has a name to live but is dead, God has a few who have not defiled their garments. We are told concerning Enoch that he walked with God, he pleased God and God took him (Gen. THE KING'S BUSINESS

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