King's Business - 1968-05

tions of Scriptures, give us scissors, glue, a bundle of magazines, and a scrapbook. Then she would challenge us to illustrate these chapters with pictures from the magazines. We ac­ cepted the challenge, loved every minute of it — and, not incidental­ ly, memorized those chapters word for word. She played Bible games with us! If we ran out of new ones, she cre­ ated some. She could always be counted on for fun, companionship, and — although we were often un­ aware of it — religious training. She told us the Bible stories and then challenged us to live like the heroes we came to adore. We could listen to the story of the sweet spirit of Joseph, the trust of David, and dream that “ some day” we would live like that! But she challenged us to be like that now! She gave to our dreams of service an outlet so they could find fulfillment. She soothed me when I was sick. She played ping-pong with me in the basement, dolls in the house, and baseball in the street. She listened to my opinions and made me feel important. She made me believe she enjoyed my numerous parties. She joked about it when she had guests and discovered too late that I had used all of the sugar the night before in a fudge party. She liked my friends. My only mother was proud when I won honors, and built me back up when I lost. Her eyes flashed tears of joy when I was happy. Her arms held me tightly when I was sad. My moth­ er filled my world with happiness, love, and God. She kept her spiritual life so lovely and radiant that I lived in the splendor of it all of my life. I had only one mother — and she was a good one! She shaped my life for good. If she had not been a good mother, my life would be dif­ ferent. How I thank God for my mother and all the mothers who have given of themselves for their chil­ dren. I occasionally slip into the nursery in my house and look at the sleeping forms of my children. I am now fash­ ioning their memories of home. I am now molding their adult lives and in­ fluencing their relationships with God. Unless an accident comes, I am the only mother my children will ever have. I’d better be a good one! “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children” (Isaiah 54:13). Reprinted by permission of American Tract Society. I E

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I h ad ONLY one mother — and she was a good one! The memories I retain of life at home are warm and good. She gave herself to the task of motherhood. She penned in h e r diary: “ Training my children is the most important task I have while they are under my care and nothing shall interfere with that training. The housework, church demands, so­ cial obligations — all must be sub­ servient to my children’s welfare.” This she practiced! Despite the demands as a busy wife, she always found time to spend with us. Under a large tree, she would tell us the stories from the Bible, illustrating them in the sand with rocks and stones for houses and mountains and representing the patriarchs of old with twigs. She captured our imaginations; and our hero and heroine became David in­ stead of Fabian and Mary instead of Liz Taylor. We were taught the Scriptures and to pray before we could say much else. Before we started school, we could recite the books of the Bible in order, the twelve disciples, and quote more Scripture than many ministers. We grew up with the Word of God as an integral part of our lives. The only mother I ever had, penned in her diary: “ The sculptor spends hours in shaping the fea­ tures of the face; the painter labors to give color to the hair or expres­ sion to the face. Their work is to stand for ages to come. But I, as a mother, am shaping substance more imperishable than canvas or marble. I can aiford to be patient and wait long for results. I have all eternity in which to watch developments.” My mother worked patiently and consistently. When we grew older, she would pick out chapters and por­

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