King's Business - 1968-05

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home r < THE K ING ’S 1 f l (j BUSINESS 13800 BIOLA AVENUE, LA M IRADA, CALIFORNIA 90638 APUBLICATION OF BIOLA SCHOOLS &COLLEGES, INC. LOUIS T. TALBOT, Chancellor, S. H. SUTHERLAND, President, RAY A. MYERS, Board Chairman MAY, 1968 . VOL. 58, NO. 5 . ESTABLISHED 1910 IN THIS ISUE ARTICLES EVANGELISM: A NEW APPROACH — Clyde Cook .................................. 9 AS IT WAS, SO SHALL IT BE — Vance Havner........................................ 11 THE HIGH COST OF WORKING MOTHERS — Evelyn Wolter ..................14 MASTERED BY THE WORD — James E. Rosscup ...................................... 16 SHOULD A CHRISTIAN GO TO WAR? — Louis T. T a lb o t........................21 WOULD YOU SING A SOLO IN CHURCH? — Paul Harvey ,...................24 I’M THE ONLY MOTHER MY CHILDREN HAVE — Ruth Vaughn ........... 25 PASTOR WITH A BRUISED SPIRIT — Ben Owen .................................... 26 CHRISTIANS BEWARE — Noel Smith .............................................................28 FEATURES MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ........................ 6 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ............................................................ 19 OVER A CUP OF COFFEE — Joyce Landorf ............................................ 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................................. 33 JUNIOR KING’S BUSINESS ............................................................. TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ................................................ 36 CHRISTIAN WORKERS’ CLINIC — C. Chester Larson ..............................42 COLUMNS PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ......................................................................... 4 CULTS CRITIQUE .................................................................................................. 8 READER REACTION ................................................................... COVER Biola College students enjoy the flowers and landscaping of the 75-acre La Mirada Campus. Pictured left to right next to Bradley Hall are Keith Wells, Denver, Colorado, Carolyn Hash, Campbell, California, and Robert Thune, Murdo, So. Dakota. See story on Biola students in Evangelistic out­ reach on page 9. Photo by David Hammond. S. H. SUTHERLAND, Editor PAUL SCHWEPKER, Treasurer AL SANDERS, Managing Editor JAMES BRAMER, Controller BETTY BRUECHERT, Copy Editor JANE M. CLARK, Circulation Manager BILL EHMANN, Adv. & Production Mgr. JOHN OZMON, Art Director EDITORIAL BOARD Bill Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James 0. Henry, Martha S. Hooker MEMBER SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: E V A N G E LIC A L PRESS A S SO C IA TIO N "The King's Business" is published monthly.. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs ot three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES: Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING: For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. MANUSCRIPTS: "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.

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MAY, 1968


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