King's Business - 1968-05

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T H E AM ER IC A N FAR R IG H T : A Case Study of B illy James Hargis and Christian Crusade— John H. Redekop “A monumentally documented and compelllngly readable achievement . . . this book would appear to be compulsory reading ."— Lester Kinsolving, Columnist, San Francisco Chronicle. 232 pages. Cloth $4.50 Jus t Published!

T H E D Y N A M IC S O F S C H O O L IN T E G R A T IO N : Problems and Approaches in a Northern City— Donald H. Bouma and James Hoffman. An excellent guide for college students and citizens concerned with the complexity of the issues Involved in effective integration. Stresses the urgent need, particularly in view of the growing "black power" movement, to find and Implement effective solutions to de facto segregation. 144 pages. Cloth $3.95; Paper $2.25

T H E V IE T N A M W A R : C H R IS T IA N P E R S P E C T IV E S “A cry from the heart . . . which even official Washington cannot ignore." James Reston, Columnist,

N .Y . Tim e s, 144 pages. Cloth $3.50; Paper $1.65

W H IT E R E F L E C T IO N S ON B L A C K POW ER — Charles E. Fager. 'Written with clarity, grace, and good sense ."— John Fischer, Editor, Harper’s. 118 pages. Cloth $3.50; Paper $1.65

T H E C H R IS T IA N A N D T H E JO H N B IR C H S O C IE T Y — Lester De Koster. “/ was deeply impressed . . . my compliments to Mr. De Koster."— Wm . F. Buckley, Jr., Editor, National Review. Paper $.75

WM. B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. Grand Rapids, Michigan

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