King's Business - 1968-05

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Marethansuperb retirement communities, they are a m y oflife. They offer custom - desioned retirement plans to fit individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and, semi-suites. They provide completeactive retirement servicewith companionship,recre­ ation,security and independence within a Christian environment. COVENANT PALMS miami SSDirector* 8 40 0 N .W . 2 5th A ve n u e •M iam i, Flo rid a 33147 COVENANT VILLAGE northbrook ^D ire c to r.2 6 2 5 Te ch n y R oad •N orthbrook, Illinois 60062 MOUNTMIGUEL COVENANT VILLAGE■ san diego ^ D ire c to r. 3 2 5 K e m p to n S t-S p rin g Valley. California 92077 THE SAMARKAND- santa barbara % D ire c to r»2 6 6 3 Ta lla n tR d »S a n ta Barbara,C alifornia 93105 HEARTHSTONE MANOR- folsom ^ r development % D ire cto r*6700 O a k A ve n ue •Folsom , C a lifo rn ia 95630 Applications are available to persons ofvary­ ing economic levels. Information is available bywriting the center o fyour choice.


The mere fact that one feels like doing something doesn’t always mean that God wants him to do it. But I’m sending this in the hope that the Lord may use it in some way. I agree in principle with Pastor Rob­ ert Warren (K.B. Feb. P. 20) that Christian funerals should be marked by simplicity and a Gospel message. But so long as this principle is ob­ served I think details may be safely left to those concerned. No doubt there is often too great a profusion of flowers. And yet a wise pastor can use the presence of flowers to bring out various spiritual truths. The very existence of flowers indicates that God wanted the world to be beauti­ ful. Well, then, what must heaven be like? And surely, in eternity, our abili­ ty to enjoy the beauty of the Lord will be greatly enhanced. Again, in association with the source of life the flower sheds forth its beauty and fragrance. Is there any analogy in the Christian life? “ The grass with- ereth, the flower fadeth. But the Word of the Lord endures forever.” Even the “ Lily of the Valley” was cut off and died. But He is the living Word, which cannot be destroyed. Then too, I don’t think the appeal to Bible times and the early Church fa­ thers for justification of a custom is quite valid. Customs differ in different parts of the world, and change in the same parts from time to time. In Bible times people lay on couches to eat a meal. Today we sit on chairs. Jesus’ body was wrapped with 100 pounds of spices. We don’t do that today. It is not the outward form in which a thing is done that gives its spiritual value. We lay our loved ones away lovingly and tenderly, but outward forms may differ considerably. As to whether the coffin should be opened or should not be in the church, or whether the burial should be the first or the last act in the service, I don’t suppose there ever will be uniformity of opinion. And I’m not so sure that it would be desirable. W . W . G ., Lancaster, Pennsylvania KB AND SDA TEACHINGS The real service KING’S BUSINESS has performed to the church by stating so clearly the SDA teaching concerning the “mark o f the beast” and “ the seal of God,” in your Cults Critique of March, is greatly appreciated. As a former SDA I know from personal ex­ perience how tenaciously the sect clings to this heresy, even as it does to all the

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