King's Business - 1968-05

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One would dare say that today real Bible-believing ministers o f the Gospel are in the minority in every major denomination throughout our land. A book appeared in April, 1967, which clearly reveals some o f the end results o f the apostasy. Written by "a priest o f the Anglican Church in Canada,” it is entitled, A Church W ithout God. The utterly blasphemous extent to which men will go when they break loose from the moral standards presented in the Word o f God is vividly portrayed in this book. Yet it is widely heralded as a book that "takes into account the positions o f modern thinkers who are constructive, conscientious, and forward-looking.” It is totally incomprehensible that such an individual would desire in any way to be connected with a de­ nomination established and built upon the authority o f the Word o f God and upon a lively faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But this man seems determined to remain in his denomination. At this writing, it is not known whether the author has been unfrocked and dismissed from his denomination or not. Certainly there has been no indication that he has withdrawn willingly. In the book, he has presented what to many minds are most shocking state­ ments. These include: "There once was a God, now there is no God . . . He once lived, but somewhere in history He died . . . Traditional Christianity will fare no better than the Greek mytho­ logical religion . . . It will know moments o f great influence far into the future, but once decayed, it will never come back . . . The Bible was written and edited like any other set o f books. It is not the last word on anything . . . Jesus did not rise physically from the dead . . . The doctrine o f after-life— for myself it is a doctrine that has no meaning . . . Love is the test and the only test o f moral action. It is the only commandment . . . if love is satisfied, then adultery is not wrong . . . It is difficult to under­ stand why the mother church decided to follow after legalism. Jesus Christ spent much o f His life denouncing the law. He broke the sabbath, He broke the ritual food laws, saying that they were absurd. He said practically nothing about sexual law. None o f the normal Puritan shibboleths about sex derive either from Jesus’ teaching or His practice.” In a footnote, the author tells o f a family life conference recently held at which the following question was suggested as a good one to ask one’s self: "When the woman wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair, did she perform a highly sexual act? Else­ where in the book, the author says o f himself, " I claim to be a Christian and an Anglican, yet I can say in all seriousness, that (continued, on page S9)

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MAY, 1968

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