King's Business - 1968-05

The Challenge o f the The IBJM, a ministry endorsed by fundamental Christian leaders, has 37 capable and consecrated missionaries on every continent. They report glo­ rious conversions and unprecedented opportunities for work among Jews. Your prayers and interest are vital to the continuance of this task of getting the Gospel to multitudes o f Jews around the world. Write today for free copy of our magazine ■THE EVERLASTING NATION’’ President, Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus Chairman Advisory Board, Dr. Robert G. Lee International Board of Jewish Missions, Inc. P. 0. Box 1256, Atlanta, Georgia 30301

CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert N o cult was ever more of a mis­ nomer than this if by “ light” one means the truth of God as re­ vealed in His Word. Very similar to Unity, the Church of Religious Science, Scientology, and dozens of sects now devoted to ontology (sci­ ence of being), this one is unique is that in its literature there is no mention of God at all. Reference is made to an impersonal “ Supreme Ruling Intelligent Power called Uni­ versal Life Energy latent in every individual.” According to this cult, most people do not know how to con­ tact this great supply of universal forces so its basic aim is “ to insure to the individual — liberty, self-reli­ ance, self-determination and pursuit of happiness.” By its own definition: “ The Lightbearers, an international, educational, scientific, non-sectarian, non-political, humanitarian organiza­ tion, was founded in 1921 by Eugene Fersen, international president and supreme leader, to show people, re­ gardless of race, nationality, creed or belief, how to obtain through the science of being, the finest and best out of life, materially, mentally and spiritually . . . physically, to rid yourself of all physical ailments; . . . mentally, to develop all mental facul­ ties such as will power, initiative, reason, foresight, intuition; . . . spir­ itually, to imbue every thought and act with an irresistible emotional fire . . . to weld body, mind and soul into a complete and unified whole.” With headquarters in the “ Great Tower of Light,” Seattle, Wash., the objectives of this cult are among other things, “ the creation of centers throughout the entire world . . . the foundation of schools . . . establish­ ing of clubs and libraries, chairs and scholarships in colleges and univer­ sities . . . the publishing of news­ papers and periodicals.” The members of the organization are advised that they should realize their great responsibility as light- bearers to the world. They are told they will have the knowledge and power to lessen the evil which ignor­ ance and fear have brought upon humanity. No remedy for sin is pre­ sented ; no Saviour; no personal God. Any resemblance to science is as co­ incidental as that which is set forth in any similar ontological cult. No figures for the number of adherents could be secured.

YOUR CHRISTIAN WEDDING Elizabeth Swadley. Large or small, formal or informal— all weddings become beauti­ fu l ceremonies w ith this complete etiquette guide. Step-by-step, it shows how to carry out each detail— from announcing the en­ gagement to conducting the reception. Many lovely new ideas are included. The perfect g ift fo r the prospective Christian bride. $2.95 PREMARITAL PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING Wayne E. Oates. Helps the pastor define the responsibilities— to the couples he coun­ sels, to the church, and to himself. Points out things he should consider in dealing w ith divorced persons, non-Christians, and those of other faiths. Paper, $1.00 TWO SHALL BE ONE Reuben Herring. In bright, lively style, the author acknowledges the obstacles but em­ phasizes the resources confronting a man and woman in making a house into a Chris­ tian home. $1.50 HOW TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY Robert J. Hastings. Suggests principles to help people live richer, fu lle r lives with their usual incomes, and w ithout the penny- pinching budget. Practical help in the use of money fo r every family. $1.50 “Looking Toward Marriage” Series Booklets Here are some important, easy-to-under- stand answers to problems concerning mar­ riage relationships. Each, 15Ç WHAT IS LOVE? Winnie R. Pearce MARRIAGE AND MONEY Reuben Herring WHEN FAITH IS NOT SHARED Vernon B. Richardson RELIGION AND MARRIAGE Joe W. Burton MATURITY FOR MARRIAGE W. Payton Kolb THERE THEY GO! WILL THEY BE HAPPY TO­ GETHER? Claude U. Broach

G IVE YOUR CAR TO MISSIONARIES ON FURLOUGH When you donate your car, we send you a tax-deductible re­ ceipt for top retail value. Write: AIM, Inc., (Automobiles In Missions) Box 551, Glendale California 91201

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NEW YORK GOSPEL MISSION TO THE JEWS I Rev. David J. Fant, Litt. D., President Ruth Angel, General Secretary Emeritus Dept K, 149 Avenue B, New York, N. Y., 10009 Timely, historic map, shows the journeys and deeds of our Lord. Identifying Scripture ref erences; produced in Nazareth. Sent to all who contribute $1.00 or more to this ministry, to bring the Gospel to more than 2,000.000 Jews in Metropolitan New York. A CHRISTIAN WITNESS FOR 70 YEARS Pilgrim's Map-The HolyLand

Available at your book store Published by BROADMAN PRESS

127 Ninth Avenue, North Nashville, Tennessee 37203



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