King's Business - 1968-05

Missionaries from South East Asia, knowing how much those in that part of the world love drama, have suggested that this play be taken overseas this summer where it will be presented before thousands of interested spectators. Those who see it will identify with the characters and the power of the Gospel will make a tremendous impact on their lives. The dramatic ending presents to the audience the way of life and the way of death so vividly that many may turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will use this dynamic method of communication to show people that there is a life after death and a Hell to avoid. At the conclusion of the play, a national evan­ gelist will give the audience an opportunity to make sure of their eternal destiny. The audience will have seen in the play the result of those who have placed their faith in church membership, baptism, sincerity, success in business, and other good works. They will have heard that there is salvation in none other but the Lord Jesus Christ and they will have been projected to the very portals of Heaven where the entrance requirements and the awful destiny of those who do not have their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ are plainly stated. We believe that God will use this method of evangelism to reach many with the Gospel this summer. Will you pray with us? A word from Dr. Dick Hillis, General Director of Overseas Crusades, Inc. Dear Friends: Recently I saiv a group of Biola students put on a Christian play which portrayed the reality of life after death and the urgency o f making a decision to receive Jesus Christ in order to escape eternal judgment. Had I not been a Christian, I should have felt compelled to make a decision.

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A woman was outside the church crying. She sobbed, “ I am just like the man in the play. I don’t know where I’m going.” She had just seen “Revolt at the Portals,” a Christian play written by Roswell Rogers which portrayed for her the reality of life after death and the teaching of the Word of God concerning Hell. She and her husband were planning to cele­ brate her birthday in a bar. Instead she told her husband, “ Honey, I want to go to a church.” He thought she was kidding, but after he was con­ vinced o f her earnestness, they picked out the church where the Biola students were putting on “ Revolt at the Portals.” The result was her sal­ vation. This play, directed by Steve Terrell, who played Clarence, the elder son, on the Life with Father television series, is a dramatic new way of com­ municating the Gospel. God has been using it around the Southern California area, but this is just part of the story.

The receptionist, Miss Jones, is greeted by Mr. Peters as she checks over who will be coming into the office today.

MAY, 1968

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