


BUILDANEMERGENCYFUND You may not think this applies to you, but it does. Here’s why: More than half of American families can’t handle a financial emergency. That means they turn to title loans, payday lending or pawn shops when they need funds quickly. You don’t want to end up in that situation. Instead, build a savings account specifically for cover- ing unexpected bills or loss of income. This account should have enough And when you need to repair your car, pay a medical bill or replace your water heater, this emergency fund will cover the cost and protect you from high-interest loans. SNOWBALLORAVALANCHE: PAYOFFYOURDEBTS Don’t be discouraged by your debt burden. You can pay off your student loans, get out from under your crush- ing credit card balances and enjoy a debt-free life. You just have to be willing to tackle your problems. Start by making a list of all the money you owe, the balance on each account and the annual interest rate. If you struggle with motivation, pay off the smallest loan first. This snowball method lets you start with an easily achievable goal and build momentum. To pay off your debts in the most efficient manner, tackle the loans with the highest interest rates first. It’s harder to stay motivated, but this technique, called the avalanche method, saves you money by priori- tizing the most expensive loans. Using either method, do your best to decrease those high-interest rates – negotiate, negotiate, negotiate! money to cover three to 12 months of expenses, depending on your toler- ance for risk. Personally, I have about three to four months of expenses covered.

CHANGEJOBS - BUTKEEPYOUR RETIREMENTSAVINGS The average Millennial changes jobs every two to five years. When you’re young, switching companies is a great way to upgrade your title, responsibilities and salary. However, it can impede your retirement goals without proper planning. Cashing out a company-sponsored 401(k) or 403(b) might seem like a quick way to get some easy funds, but you’ll pay

WHOLESALEREALESTATE FOR INCOMEANDKNOWLEDGEOF THEGAME It’s important to realize that investing in real estate can magnify your wealth. Depending on the type of real estate invest- ments you fancy, you can capitalize on in- come, depreciation, appreciation, equity and leverage from the property. Wholesaling is a great way to learn your local real estate market, the basic industry vocabulary and the conversation. Simply put, the objective for real estate wholesalers is to: NO. 1 Find a motivated seller NO. 2 Put the seller’s home under contract NO. 3 Find an interested cash investor- buyer These types of deals occur na- tionwide, every day. To learn more about wholesaling, visit my friends at So whether you’re trying to pay off six figures of debt or manage a six-fig- ure income, now is the time to focus on your finances. Don’t put off retirement planning, debt management or learning about personal money management and real estate investment until you’re older. Start making good decisions now, and you’ll enjoy emotional and financial dividends for decades to come. • NO. 4 Assign the existing contract to the buyer for an “assignment fee”

a steep price for that money. The federal government can take up to 30 percent of your money as an early withdrawal penalty. Plus, they’ll charge you income taxes on the funds.

Instead of paying Uncle Sam steep fees, roll your retirement money into an IRA. It’s easy to open one with your current investment firm or an online broker, and you’ll keep your wealth where it belongs: under your control. IT’SOKTOTRUSTTHE STOCK MARKETWHILEYOU’REYOUNG If you came of age during the Great Recession, it’s hard to trust the stock market. You saw families lose their homes and loved ones suffer huge setbacks in retirement, so you are understandably hesitant to put your hard-earned paychecks into such a volatile system. Now is the time in your life to be courageous and take calculated financial risks. The stock market bounces up and down in the short term, but it always grows in the long run. In fact, if you had invested money in stocks at the start of the 2008 crash and kept them there, those funds would have doubled in value by 2016. Stocks aren’t the safest option for older workers nearing retirement, but they’re a good way for you to grow your funds over the next few decades. With any investment, due diligence is key. Know what you’re getting yourself into and possible exit strategies.


Abhi Golhar is the host of “Real Estate Deal Talk” and managing partner of Summit & Crowne. Abhi uses a “value- added” approach to invest in real estate

by Abhi Golhar

renovation, new construction and development opportunities in the Southeast United States. He actively educates and works with investors to deploy market-driven strategies that yield success. He holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan. You can find him on Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram @AbhiGolhar.

Your late 20s and early 30s are a key time to get your financial plans in order. Thanks to compound interest, the sooner you pay off student I

loans or other debts and start invest- ing, the more likely you are to meet your goals. These tips cover the most important parts of financial planning

for Millennials so you can stop stressing over money and begin investing in real estate with confidence for a solid finan- cial foundation.

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