King's Business - 1923-02

g § g E E K Se out of trie book of the Lord, and read: N o one of these shall fail . Isa-34:16

Despise Not Propkesyings

I Tkess. 5:20

PROPHETIC Number—February, 1923

An Explanation A Recent Letter Contained Two Clippings from Advertisements wKich have recently appeared in The King’s Business, with this comment: “Please Explain Enclosed Papers” T h e clippings read as follow s: “Annuities- What They?” ‘‘Opportunity spells Obligation ” This inquiry has suggested to us that no doubt many more of our readers would like to have an explanation, which we gladly give herewith: If you hav e $ 1,000 o r $ 10 ,000 which you desire to hav e used fo r definite Christian work, b u t need the income from it fo r you r personal use while you live, w e will receive th e m oney, giving you a co n tra c t b o n d , on which we will pay you an agreed amount, e ith er annually, semi-annually, o r quarterly, as you wish, th e ra te d e p en d in g upon yo u r age a t th e tim e of m ak ing th e con tract. A t 50 years, you w ould receive A t 55 years, you w ould receive A t 60 years, you w ould receive A t 65 years, y o u w ould receive A t 70 years, y o u w ould receive A t 75 years, you w ould receive A t 80 years, you w ould receive A t 85 years, you w ould receive A t 90 years, you w ould receive M oney placed w ith th e Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles, u n d e r this p lan is bo th an investm ent and a gift. You avoid th e u n c ertain ty a tte n d a n t upon the execution of a will, and th e expense of p ro b a tin g it. You a re assured th a t y o u r m opey will be used fo r th e p u rp o se desired by you. (See b ack co v er of this m agazine fo r sta tem en t of d o ctrin e upon w hich th e Institute is founded.) You have assu red incom e fo r life u p o n the am o u n t invested. (T h e p ro p e rty of the Institute, w hich is y o u r security, is w o rth ov er $ 2 ,0 00,000, an d is free of in cum b ran ce.) Jo in t c o n tra cts m ay be m ade by hu sb an d an d wife, w ith a provision th a t th e incom e will be received by them as long as e ith e r o r bo th of them live. WRITE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS TO T . C. HORTON , S u p e r i n t e n d e n t , Bibl e Ins t i tu t e of Los Ang e l e s 6 p e r 6 V i p e r 7 p e r I '/ l P er 8 p e r S y 2 p e r 9 p e r 9 y 2 p e r 10 p e r cent. cent. cent. cent. x cent. cent. cent. cent. cent.

T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S MOTTO: *7, the Lord, do keep It I wiMwater it every moment, leet any hurt U, I w ttt keep Hnlyfftoniday.** .. -■■■'■- 1 ' --------*'* Isa. 27:3 t t ... rs PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LOS ANGELES 5 3 6 - 5 5 8 S O U T H H O P E S T R E E T , L O S A N G E L E S , C A L . E n t e r e d a s S e c o n d -C la à s M a t t e r N o v em b e r 1 7 , 1 9 1 0 , a t t h e P o s t O f f ic e u n d e r t h e A c t o f M a r c h 3 , 1 8 7 9 A c c e p t a n c e f o r m a ilin g a t s p e c ia l r a t e o f p o s t a g e p r o v id e d f o r in S e c t io 1 9 1 7 , a u t h o r iz e d O c t o b e r 1, 1 9 1 8 Volume XIV February, 1923 Number 2

R e v . T . C . H O R T O N , E d it o r in C h ie f

R e v . K E IT H L . B R O O K

A L A N S . P E A R C E , C ir c u la t io n R e p r e s e n t a t iv e C o n t r ib u t in g E d it o r s D R . F . W . F A R R D R . J O H N N . M a c IN N IS D R . A . C . D IX O N

CONTENTS E d ito ria ls: Testing th e T ru th (115 ), The Crime Carnival (116 ), The Word Works (117 ), An Ecclesiastical Edict (118 ), Where We Failed (119 ), A Poor Sermon Text for a Modernist (120). The Mark of th e Beast—By D. M. Panton (123) P rophetic M istakes of Adventists— By Rev. S. F ra ser Langford (126) The H alf H ou r Silence in Heaven— By Dr. Joseph A. Seiss (13D)

The Approaching Day—F rom “The Morning S tar” (132) Business Babylon of Praphecyfi-By D. T reharne (133) The Chief of Evils— By John H arris (135) Notes Concerning Prophecy— (136) Studies in Fundam entals— By K. L. B. (139) Evangelistic Stories— By In stitu te W orkers (143) Bible In stitu te in H u n a n ^ B y W alter T. Steven (151) Hom iletical Helps— (154) Bible In stitu te H appenings— (158)

In tern atio n al Sunday School Lessons— (160) Fundam en tal Sunday School Lessons— (186) C u rren t Religious Comment— (204)

S etting Jesu s a t Nought— By Rev. John Thomas '(206) E te rn a l and E verlasting—By Prof. H. S. Miller (208) The Lord H imself— By D. T reharne (209) PLEASE When sending subscriptions, address eorrespondenee to OM m of The King’s Business, Bible Institute of Los Angelos, MI- 558 South Hope Street. Cheeks may be made payable to Bible Institute of Los Angeles. De not make ekeeka or money orders to Individuals connected with the Bible Institute. Y E A R FOREIGN COUNTRIES, INCLUDING CANADA $1 .2 5— SINGLE COPIES 15 CENTS Special C lub R ate fo r T en o r M ore S ubscriptions 75c E ach O N L Y O N E D O L L A R A

LOOK ME IN THE FACE Now Smile! THEN Take me out of your purse, invest me in a King's Business AND Make you and me and someone else Happy

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TESTING THE TRUTH The whole question confronting the evangelical church today resolves its;elf into this: “ Is the Bible the inerrant Word of God?” We have many men disputing .its claims to inerrancy. We: have an increasingly large number drifting with the tide of speculators, hut we do not find any of them offering any satisfactory proof of their theories. There are many knotty problems for these deniers to solve and we are propounding one: If the Bible is not true, how do you account for the fact that there are one hundred and twenty-two definite predictions relating to the first advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, quoted in seventeen Old Testament books, and one hundred and sixty-six passages confirming these predictions to be. found in fifteen New Testament hooks? We are; not speculating now, but propounding a simple question in mathematics. How could seventeen different writers of the, Old Testament


O King of saints, come down In dazzling m ajesty; Thy suffering w itnesses to crown Who share Thy cross w ith Thee. Thou prom isest to give The crown a t th a t glad day, To all who lovingly believe And for Thy coming pray.

When shall the Judge descend And fix His kingdom here? With vehement love we still attend


To see our Lord appear. W ith languishing desire We long our Head to own; Encircled by His angel-choir High on His azure throne.


The Name, the Cross, we love

§j ¡j

Of our exalted F riend.

And still, to meet Thee from above Our h earts to Heaven we send. And when Thou dost appear, Thou w ilt the kingdom give; And all thy fellow-sufferers here



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Into thy joys receive.

(Charles Wesley)

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T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S give one hundred and twenty-two predictions concerning the advent of our Lord, covering every conceivable matter as to the time, the place and the conditions of His birth; the character of His life, His message, His trial, suffering, death, etc., etc., etG. ? And how could five different writers of the New Testament in fifteen different books describe the fulfilling of these one hundred and sixty-six predictions? Why not quit speculating and get down to the real problem? Anybody can deny that the Bible is God’s Word, but it will take somebody to prove it. Who will that somebody be ?Who will rise up and answer the question here propounded? We have a nice Bible to give to any one big enough and brave enough to tackle the job. But until the matter is-settled, why not keep on along the old lines, and perhaps reading the Bible will bring conviction that it is the Word of God. Now, again, here is another problem that needs solution: How did it come to pass that in the Old Testament there are over a hundred different predictions concerning the second advent of Christ, and these are found in seventeen different books; and that in the. New Testament there are two hundred and fifty prophecies concerning His second coming, and these are found in almost every book? Were the Old Testament writers and the New Testament writers who wrote so definitely about His second advent all mistaken? And is it not a little strange that men writing a couple of thousand years or more apart should have all agreed upon certain conditions, and that today all of these predictions are seemingly more possible of fulfillment than ever before ? Is it asking too much of the faith-destroying preachers and teachers that they tarry long enough with that good old reliable Book to solve this per­ plexing problem which^-fif solved—would enable us to join their ranks and help them break down every vestige of evangelical faith and ride the seas without compass, or pilot, or anchor ? C. H. THE CRIME CARNIVAL “ Current H isto ry , a magazine published in New York,(has published some startling and significant statistics concerning what is termed “ the crime wave” , which wave, by the way, seems to keep on waving. For a season this was attributed to the war, but that hardly answers now. The criminals are not war veterans, most of whom had all they desired of suffering and have settled down to a life of active good citizenship. The criminals are increasingly numerous from the ranks of the young people. The High School age seems to breed the larger percentage of criminals. The report given is not complete by any means, and this is attributed to the fact that “ statistics so far as they are kept at all, are kept in a desultory and, fragmentary way which evokes the plainly expressed amazement of foreign criminologists.” . From the statistics available, it appears that there was a 500 per cent increase in burglaries in five years; a bank robbery every 19 hours; one automobile in 22 stolen in Chicago; 30,000 professional criminals in New York State alone, and 10,000 in Chicago, the latter city reporting $4 000 000 stolen in 1921. .’ ’ FOR SOME YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN—

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 117 The New York criminal docket is about a year and a half behind. Indictments pending in the Federal courts in 1921 numbered 70,000 as com­ pared with 9,508 in 1912. Deducting the cases arising from the violation of Prohibition laws, this represents an increase of 332 per cent in ten years. In Chicago there were 352 murders in 1921. The proportion of murders to the population in Chicago is eleven times greater than in Berlin. Cleve­ land, with one-tenth the population of London, has twice as many murders. From 1912 to 1918 there were 9,377 murders in our country, as com­ pared with 50,327 deaths of American soldiers in the World War. Here are a few surprising figures which should have a voice speaking with no uncertain sound to every loyal citizen. Are we growing better and better as they are telling us in so many pulpits and schools? Is humanity on the up-grade ? Is the old nature steadily improving and sloughing off its in­ herent weakness and wickedness? Is there something the matter with our home life ? Is there something .the matter with our laws ? Are we letting down in our estimate of what is moral? Are we drifting from the moorings of our fathers? ' You must add to the amount of money stolen aud property ruined and lives taken, the increased amount necessary to pay. the police, the judges and the expense of penal institutions, and then face an outstanding fact which grows worse every year. What is the remedy? They tell us that we must not believe God’s Word which says, “ The soul that sinneth it shall die” , but we must intensify social service, give them more amusements, more socials, more movies, more gymnastics, more dances and all will be well. If this is the remedy we ought to know as quickly as possible. This wave of sin means a wave of sorrow and suffering, of broken homes and broken hearts. Is it a time to trifle ? We have made no moral progress with all this new-fangled system of religions. Our schools are not furnishing a higher standard of citizens. “ Higher culture” and “ Higher criticism” go hand in hand in the dance to hell. May God Almighty stop the procession, if it be possible, and may men turn back to the old paths and the old Book. —T. C. H. THE WORD WORKS There has never been but one solution of the world problems of sin and that solution is the Bible. Time and conditions have not changed its power. The Word works just the same as it ever hafe. The attacks upon it, the denial of it, the abuse of it, the ignoring of it, have not weakened the Word. The Bible is God’s Word and does God’s work. There is no greater joy than to see the manifestation of this fact demonstrated before one every day, and that is our joy. Under the power of the message of the'Book sinners are brought to the feet of Jesus in confession of sin and acknowledg-’ ment of Him as Saviour. The Word of God is still “ quick and powerful” . It is still the “ Sword of the Spirit”, the “ Light in a dark place” . It still comforts, sustains and satisfies. Those who know it best love it most. The writer heard Dr. Torrey say recently that he had studied the Bible $350.00. (See Page 141)

118 T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S every day for forty-seven years. He has had the joy of seeing thousands of men and women in this and other lands brought into' sweet fellowship with 'their Lord through its power. We have studied it for fifty years ourselves, and have greater confidence in its unfailing truth than ever before, and all the treasures of the world would be as refuse in exchange for our abiding faith in. it. It works! The Bible Institute of Los Angeles has nearly two hundred workers giving their whole time to testing it day by day, in this country and in China and—it works ! There are nearly seven hundred students here, also, who testify that it works in their own lives and in the lives of others with whom they deal. It works among the men in th<; shops.' Twenty-five meetings each week are held among these men, and they believe the Book. It works among the Jews. We have seen more conversions and heard more testimonies from converted Jews in the last few years than we have ever heard before. It works among the Mexicans, and hundreds of these Catholics who have heretofore been denied any touch with God’s Word have given satis­ factory testimony to their faith in Christ. It works among busy business and professional men. It works among workingmen and every day men confess Christ in the midst of the whirl of a busy street. It works among the seamen who come into our harbors from every nation- They, are glad to hear the sweet story of the Cross, and to read His precious Word. It works among the women in the homes. Twenty-five Bible Women testify to this fact in the hundred Bible Classes which they hold every week. It works among High School girls who sit at Jesus’ feet each week and learn of Him. It works among the children, two thousand of whom gather, with happy faces and expectant hearts, each week in the homes in the day time for their Bible study. The Word of God works the will of God in human lives. Hold to it! Fight for it! Never yield an inch in its defense! If you want more proof concerning its working power, drop us a line and we will give it to you. It is compelled to work here, for in the deed to the property upon which the Institute buildings stand, is a statement of doctrine, a synopsis of which appears on the back cover of this magazine; and the corner stone bears witness to the fact that it belongs to our Lord, for it is dedicated to Him. If you want to help the Word and the Work, send us your funds and we poll put them to work for you where no “ Higher Critic” can interfere. - , — T. C. H. iss? iSs? §&» AN ECCLESIASTICAL EDICT The Methodist church authorities have sounded an alarm and issued a call to war. Down with the Bible Institutes of this country! Down with their pessi- EIGHT MONTHS IN WHICH TO WORK FOR THE

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 119 mistic premillennial teaching! Do not allow one of these pernicious preach­ ers or teachers to soil the steps of your sacred sanctuaries, or pollute the, platform of your pulpits! Do not read their red and lurid literature! Never mind if John Wesley’s father was a premillennialist and if John Wesley himself'said, in Yol. 2, Page 357 of his “ Sermons” : ■ “F rom th e tim e th a t th e Church and State, th e kingdoms of Christ an d th e world, w ere so strangely and unn atu rally blended together, Christianity and heathenism were so thoroughly incorporated w ith each o th er th a t they will hardly ever be divided u n til Christ comes to reign upon e a rth .” ' or if his brother Charles wrote many premillennial hymns, such as “IiO, He comes, w ith clouds descending” and “T ru sting in th e literal Word, We look fo r Christ on e a rth again.” Never mind if many of the' good old-fashioned Methodist ministers and evangelists were premillennialists! Obey your master’s orders! We are living in a new age and know now—what our fathers, knew not—that you cannot believe all that the Bible says. This is an age of ripened scholarship—a rip-roaring age. You are not sufficiently cultured and educated to know what the Bible means. You must take—as do the Roman Catholic followers—what your priests tell you to take and be satisfied. We will teach you and we will handle! your money for you. Now be good and honor your’ sainted leaders. Do not use your own judgment in ecclesiastical matters. You made a grievous mistake at the last General Conference in ordering us to remove Professor Rail’s and other infidel books from our schools. We paid no attention to your request for we knew you were ignorant though you meant well. We will take care of these important matters. All you have to do is to rush in the shekels, keep the band playing and sound the battle cry, ‘‘Down with the Bible Institutes and the premillennial teaching!” ' — T. C. H. (Note: We love the Methodists, all of them , bu t we disagree w ith some of their leaders. We are sorry for them and pray for them .) ^¡fe, ¿sfe ate m m WHERE WE FAILED As the writer approached the -door of the New Year, he was conscious of the fact that his greatest blunder during 1922 was in trying to do the maximum of work on the minimum of prayer. It has probably been our busiest year—greater problems before us, more demands upon us from every side, a year of great activity and some accomplishments. But one thought searches the heart: Has it been a year especially notable for prayer? How shall we answer? What would YOU answer? .Charles Macintosh said: “ God will always have to do in secret with the soul which He intends to serve Him in public. ’’ Edward M. Bounds says: “ Our ability to stay with God in the prayer closet is the measure of our ability to stay with God out of it. To be little with God is to be little for God.” Another has said: “ He that saveth his time from prayer shall lose it.” We are convinced that these sayings aré true'. We have not done the quality of work we might have done. We have been caught in the whirl of $350.00 SCHOLARSHIP. (See Page 141)

120 T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S these latter days and have too often been possessed of the notion that, we did not have time to pray. No doubt it was the same condition that accounted for the failure of the disciples on at least one occasion. There came a man to the Savior saying, “ I brought my son to thy disciples and they could not help him.” This charge is brought against many a minister today. The man of the world, sick and tired of sin, stands helpless at the door of many a church, and sometimes an orthodox church, too, but the church has lost its power to do things for God. The disciples were deeply concerned about their failure. “ Lord,” they said, “ why could we not east the devils out of this man?” We might sum up our Lord’s answer in the words, “Maximum of work, m in im u m of prayer.” The disciples had this redeeming fact on their side—they knew enough to know that they had failed. Today there are many Christian workers who are getting nowhere and they do not seem to know; it. They go through forms and mechanical actions, speaking words that are but so much wind, never realizing that they have lost connection with the Holy "Spirit. May the thought be burned into our hearts right at the beginning of 1923 that it is perfectly possible for us to: have the. language of Jesus on our lips yet not have His power in our lives. The faith to do the deeper work for God is not born in the crowd. Have we, too, often failed? Was it not the lack of vital spiritual.force in our own lives—the lack of prayer? Shall we not resolve now to make 1923 a year famous for prayer? —K. L. B. ,A POOR SERMON TEXT FOR A MODERNIST A friend has been telling us about a sermon preached in a Congrega­ tional church, by a man who is a modernist. The text was, “ Having a' form -of godliness but denying the power thereof. ’’ To this preacher those who have a form of godliness are those who subscribe to an evangelical creed. He thinks that to all such the holding of a favorite doctrine is their one sufficient Christian achievement. Those who have the real power of reli­ gion, to his way of thinking, are those who, even though they may not subscribe to some things in the Bible, have caught the real vision of the great brotherhood of man—those who are good and who are doing good. Throwing his Bible down upon the pulpit, the preacher asserted that he could not believe for a minute that salvation was to be found only between the two lids of the Book—nature is the expression of God, and a man can rise through nature to nature’s God. . A great many people are swept off their feet by such high-sounding talk, usually accompanied by flights of oratory and dramatic gestures! Any one who will do a little thinking will observe that this preacher wrenched his text out of its setting and made it mean directly the opposite of what it means in the context. The apostle here speaks of men in the last days who will become proud, blasphemers, truce-breakers, traitors, heady, high-minded, ever learning yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. The text occurs right in the midst of this description and the last phrase of the verse (which the preacher omitted entirely) bids all who

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S 121 love the truth to turn away from such teachers. One does not have to search far to discover what the apostle meant by the real power of godliness for he says (Eom. 1 :16): “ I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” True, it may be that there are some to whom the holding of doctrines is the sufficient achievement, but surely their belief has not gotten below the collar or the power of God would be “ working in them to will and to do of his good pleasure.” But what of the preacher’s declaration that the way of salvation may be found outside the Bible? The same writer from whom he took his text says that saving faith “ cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” The Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation, repeatedly points out that no man can come to God except through Christ and Him crucified. The words of Jesus are final against this modern notion that it matters not what one believes so long as he is sincere. Neither Christ nor! any of the apostles would grant that man could rise through nature to nature’s God. It is true that in the works of nature one cap see the evidence of the wisdom and almighty power of its Creator, but nature has nothing more to say to man. For all any man can tell from nature, he is no more to God than the moth that flutters for a few hours and is gone forever. Nature unexplained by the Word of God—nature with all its calamities and dis­ orders, with its mysteries of pain, evil and death, has always led man to think that he was no more than an insect. Nature teaches no man that “ Godis love,” and any preacher who throws aside the Bible and talks about the love of God is simply stealing the sweet fruits of Christianity while he denies its essence and spurns the cross through which God told the story of His love to the world. Nature religions, as history shows, have always led men away from God. Modern evolutionary theories have beeome the religion of many people and already some of the most religious of the evolutionists have ruled God, as a personal supreme Being, out of His universe. It is the old story of nature religions—education without salvation, ever learning yet never able to come to the knowledge of the truth—having a form of godliness but not knowing the power thereof. —K. L. B. J U ST a little help from $ou — ^ would enable us to send the “K. B.” to some lonely missionary.


I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California ___________________ Dollars, and I direct that the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.








Titu .in km min iiiiii iiiinlinnininlinnininvimuiiiiiiiiisiimin hiiiiiiiiii HimininminminiiiiiiinminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiü Christ the Head— of man (1 Cor. 11: 3 );. of the church (Eph. 5 :2 3 ); of prim cipalities (Col. 2 :1 0 ). All public gifts must be such th a t others present can understand and join in w ith th e “Amen.” Here is a h in t con­ cerning prayer in th e congregation.

Purpose of heresies-—1 Cor. 11:19. In th e Lord's Supper: .-Remember Christ (1 Cor. 11 :25 ). Proclaim Christ (v. 26). Anticipate Christ (v. 26). Every tim e we come to the commun­ ion table a con trast is drawn between th e sin of the tra ito r and th e invinci­ ble love of the Saviour (1 Cor. 11 :23 ). In 1 Cor. 11:29 th e word “ damna­ tion” should read “ condemnation.” Un­ worthily partak ing of the emblems brings present chastisement as shown in v. 32. In view of 1 Cor. 12:26, is it possible th a t any member of the Body of Christ could be left on ea rth to undergo the G reat T ribulation which will follow Christ’s coming for His church? In 1 Cor. 13:7 th e word tran slated “ b eareth” is literally “ covereth.” It is the same word used in Mk. 2:4. Love does not uncover th e fau lts of others. True Christian agnosticism is defined in 1 Cor. 13:9. 1 Cor. 13:13: F aith looks up. Hope looks on. Love looks about. F aith and hope have th e ir day bu t love has eter­ nity. Stand fast in faith (1 Cor. 16 :13 ). Abound in hope (Rom. 1 5 :13 ). Be p er­ fect in love (1 Jn. 4:17-18). The aim of spiritual gifts— 1 Cor. 14: 12. Any gift th a t does not edify is not of God. Note 1 Cor. 14:15: “ I will sing w ith the understanding.” Lying to God and bearing false w itness before men, is not made less sinful by putting a tun e to the words. The words of 1 Cor. 14:16 are timely.

Note th a t the g ift of tongues is not adapted for public use (1 Cor. 14 :19 ). Dead for sm— the Saviour (1 Cor. 15 :3 ). Dead in sin— th e sinner (Eph. 2 :1 ). Dead to sin— the believer (Rom. 6 : 2 ) . Salvation in possession (1 Cor. 15 :2 ). In progress (Rom. 5 :1 0 ). In prospect (Rom. 1 3 :i l ). 1 Cor. 15:20 opens th e door wide for all th e m iracles of Christ. P aul in A. D. 59— “ least of th e apos­ tle s” (1. Cor. 1 5 :9 ). A. D. 6 4H fle ss th an th e least” (Eph. 3 :8 ). A. D. 65— “ chief of sinners” (1 Tim. 1 :1 5 ). At the end of his life— “no thing” (2 Cor. 12 : 11 ). Christ’s resurrection denied (Acts 23:8; Lk. 2 0 :2 7 );. questioned (1 Cor. 1 5 :1 2 ); explained away (2 Tim. 2 :1 8 ). Christ’s resurrection credible (Mk. 12:26; Acts 2 6 :8 ); reasonable (Jn. 13: 24; 1 Cor. 15 :35 -44 ); ta u g h t by Jesus (Lk. 14:14; Jn. 5 :2 8 ); preached by the apostles (Acts 4 :2 ; 17:18; 1 Cor. 1 5 :1 2 ); fundam ental to the Gospel (1 Cor. 15: *13-17). r Types of the resurrection in the Old Testament: (1) Isaac (Heb. 1 1 :1 9 ); (2) Joseph (Gen. 4 1 :4 3 ); (3) Moses (Ex. 2 :1 0 ); (4) Jonah (Mt. 1 2 :4 0 ); (5) Daniel (Dan. 6 :2 3 ). The believer’s resurrection body: No more to die (T Cor. 1 5 :42 ), No more despised (v. 43). No more weakness (v. 43). No more lim itations (v. 44). Cf. Lk. 24:39 and 1 Cor. 15:50. Flesh and bone are not inconsistent w ith the laws of the resurrection body. See Jn. 20:24-28. A $350.00 SCHOLARSHIP!

The Mark of the Beast

Beware of “Marks”, for Fore-runners of Anti-Christ are Abroad in the World

By D. M. PANTON , E ngland

T is startling to confront, for the first tim e in modern Eng­ land, an appeal for the stamp­ ing of a flesh-mark; nor is it

b rand; a puncturing of th e skin so as to produce an indelible impression-?^ “ on th e ir righ t h and ”— th e selection of th e rig h t hand a t once proves it is a literal mar k— or upon th eir forehead” (Revelation 13:16);. Under the Mo­ saic Law one sex of God’s people had to receive a m ark in the flesh— circum ­ cision : all other flesh-cuttings were strictly forbidden. “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor p rin t any m arks upon you” (Levit­ icus 1 9 :28 ). Upon only one Gentile in th e Old Testament was a m ark ever set w ith th e approval of God, and one full of an aw ful significance. “The Lord set a m ark upon Cain, lest any finding him ”— it m ust th erefo re have been a visible m ark, probably in the forehead— “ should sm ite him ” (Gene­ sis 4 :1 5 ). The first m urderer, the first apostate, God branded as a forecast and prototype of the m urderers and apos­ ta tes who will form the Church of the A ntichrist, and meet an identical doom. W hat the significance of a tattoo is, history has already abundantly proved. Slaves were branded by th e Romans as we brand cattle, to shew th eir ownership by th eir m aster’s m ark bu rn t into th e flesh. “You know slaves,” says a Roman w riter (P etron iu s) “by th eir foreheads.” Sov Roman soldiers also, as devoted body and soul to the emperor, had, branded as stigm ata on th e ir hands, the name of the emperor, so as to make desertion impossible. In 1912 th e E arl of Lytton suggested in the House of Lords (Daily Telegraph, Nov. 29, 1912) .'that certain crim inals should be branded, to make them marked men forever. The ancient ta t­ tooing was done in various ways: by

th e less ominous th a t the appeal comes from a professed believer in Christ. He says: I s th e r e n o t a n e e d fo r so m e u n m is ta k ­ a b le s ig n , in th e s e , d a y s w h e n i t is f a s h ­ io n a b le to d is c la im a n y r e lig io u s b e lie f? A n d , if so, c a n a n y o n e m a k e a s u g g e s tio n ? I h a v e s e e n a c ro s s ta tto o e d o n a m a n ’s h a n d — a n d , in a n o th e r la n d , a c re s c e n t ta tto o e d o n a m a n 's fa c e — e x tre m e le n g th s th e s e , b in d in g fp r life a n d e x p o s in g th e b e a r e r to m u c h , b u t u n q u e s tio n a b le p ro c ­ la m a tio n s o f f a ith . C a n a n y o n e s u g g e s t b e tte r ? I w o u ld e v e n go th is le n g th if o th e r s w o u ld jo in , a n d g o o d c o u ld b e done,. ( C h u r c h Fam ily N e w s p a p e r , J a n . 14, 1921). This is exactly what was done by the more enthusiastic of the Crusaders. The historian Gibbon says: “The cross was, by some zealots, inscribed on th eir skins;' a ho t iron, or indelible liquor, was applied to perpetuate the m ark .” E arly in the W ar the Times (May 26, 1915) said: “ If the W ar has led to the dropping of old customs it has led also to th e adoption of new ones: th e most conspicuous of th e acquired h abits is th e wearing of badges.” Some secret societies are already adopting a flesh­ cu tting ; as the Menilmouches, a band of Apaches in Paris, who im print a five­ fold puncture on the w rist as a sign of th e ir sect. Now one of the huge figures of the Apocalypse, the False P rophet yet to come, enforces th e worship of the Anti­ christ w ith a cutting in th e flesh. “He causeth ail” —wealth cannot buy itself ou t of the obligation, nor is anyone so obscure as to escape notice— “th a t th ere be given them a m ark ”—-a tattoo, a

(See Page 141)

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S (like baptism ) to the god worshipped: in th e forehead, as the proof o t a wor­ shipping soul; in the hand, as the proof of a devoted servant. But th e main reason of the Mark is a masterpiece of economic diabolism. I t is imposed so “th a t no man should be able to buy or sell, save he th a t hath the m ark .” The transactions of com­ merce are made illegal w ithout it: it is th e voucher fo r all business tra n s­ actions: no one is prevented from en­ tering th e shops or m arkets, but before any deal across th e counter can be es­ tablished, the h a t must be removed, or the palm opened. Ay food will be ra ­ tioned, and will be reserved for wor­ shippers of th e A ntichrist, publicly and indelibly self-confessed as such, alone: it makes all secret worship, or secret refusal to worship, impossible: as God demands public confession, so does Antichrist. The late W ar, by its univer­ sal registration and strict food-ration­ ing, brought us an enormous stride n earer th e goal; but the far superior economy of the final system is obvious — no enrolm ent, no reg istration cards, no costly organization; simply a cutting in the flesh, self-inflicted, and th ere­ fore self-expensive. A rem arkable ancient example occur­ red under Ptolemy. He decreed th a t all Jews, when enrolled as citizens, should have an ivy-leaf, th e emblem of th e god Bacchus, im printed on th eir bodies w ith a hot iron ; and th a t any who refused the m ark should be put to death. Three hundred Jews aposta­ tized, to please Ptolemy, and were immediately excommunicated by the re st of Israel. This so enraged Ptolemy th at, resolving to extirpate th e race, he decreed th a t anyone who concealed a Jew should be pu t to death; and mean­ while “ he was greatly and constantly filled w ith joy, and prepared a banquet in honour of all th e idols, uttering blasphem ies against the Most High God.”

124 puncturing w ith needles, or burning with hot irons, or m arking w ith indelible ink: “The operation,” we are told, in the E ast to-day, “periorm ed w ith a hammer and a serrated chisel, causes g reat swelling and excruciating pain, and is sometimes th e work of years.” E arly in the Rus­ sian Revolution a private le tte r from F inland said: “Soldiers of the Bol­ sheviks are obliged to wear a m ark on th e ir caps, and on th e ir arm s; and they call it The A ntichrist’s M ark.” So a telegram in th e Times (Oct. 6, 1915) re­ veals th a t th e Austro-Germans branded men of m ilitary age in th e Poliesie on th e rig h t arm above th e w rist, to pre­ vent escape from conscription. But the history of Paganism reveals a significance still deeper and more sinister. Stigm ata have always been associated w ith Idolatry. No H indu can en ter his temple w ithout a m ark on his forehead, painted on it by a firah- min, called th e T iluk: a scarlet mark, and perpendicular, if of K rishn a; a saffron, and horizontal, if of Siva. So in ancient Rome the “m ark ” of Neptune was the trid e n t; of Ju p iter, the th u n ­ derbolt; of Mars, th e spear; of Bacchus, th e ivy-leaf: in Egypt, the m ark of th e god Neph was the snake; of Thoth, the ape; of Bubastis, th e cat; and of the Sun, th e beetle. Some devotees branded themselves w ith the name of the idol, cut a t full length, as Zeus; others w ith the num ber of th e god’s name, as, for example, 608, the number of th e Sun. F o r th e M ark is a sacra­ m ental sign; it is equivalent to saying— “A ntichrist is god, and he is my god,” Some have though t th a t th e m ark, as d istinct from th e name, or its number, will be th e six-pointed double triangle, a symbol sacred to Islam, to apostate Israel, and to pseudo-Christians; but more probably it will be an image of the A ntichrist’s death-scar; for it is a “sacram ent,” a commemorating of the slaughtered and risen Wild Beast; a ritu a l of confession; a public devotion

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


by sheer force, are damned beyond hope (Revelation 14 :9-11)— is so fraugh t w ith terro r, and’therefore perhaps none should move us towards holiness w ith a more trem endous force. There are counter-m arks w ithout which we can­ not be saved. “At P ing Yang pu,” says M. Fullerton, “ I saw two old people, man and wife, who in the Boxer time were spared th e death stroke, b u t be­ cause of th e ir faith had a cross marked deeply on th eir foreheads; and th eir faces glowed w ith th e light of heaven." Godly refugees from Russia to-day come w ith backs scarred, and ankles and w rists grooved by chains, even as Paul says.-T-^'I bear in my body the m arks” — th e word means the stamp of the branding-iron— “of the Lord Jesu s” (Galatians 6 :1 7 ), th e weals where the Apostle had been whipped. Do we bear the “m ark s” th a t prove us indelibly the property of the Lord Christ? Not physical m arks necessarily, though these may come; bu t the shining face, the confessing mouth, the bounteous hand, the heavenly walk? F o r upon such only will be God’s physical mark a t last. As the 144,000 bear the name of the Lord Jesus, and of th e ir F ath er, imprinted on th e ir faces (Revelation 1 4 :1 ), so of all th e redeemed it is w rit­ ten a t last,— “and His name shall be on th eir foreheads” . (Revelation 2 2 :4 ).

But in our own century we are con­ fronted w ith an instance of almost in­ credible horror. In th e Daily Mail for Ju ly 24, 1902, the following communi­ cation appeared from P aris: T h e R o m a n C a th o lic C h u rc h in F r a n c e is c o n s ta n tly th r e a te n e d b y a lm o s t c o u n t­ le s s d a n g e r s , b u t b y n o n e m o re p o w e rfu l th a n b y ’ t h a t e x tr a o r d in a r y s e c r e t s o c ie ty k n o w n to its m e m b e rs a s th e “F.D .L .C .',” w h ic h , b e in g in te rp r e te d , s ta n d s f o r “L e s F r e r e s d e la C o te " (T h e B r o th e r s o f th e C o a s t). F e w E n g lis h m e n , a n d n o t m a n y F r e n c h m e n e ith e r, f o r th e m a tte r o f th a t, h a v e e v e r h e a r d o f th is r e m a r k a b le s o c ie ty . I t s m e m b e rs , to th e n u m b e r o f tw o a n d a h a lf m illio n s, c o n s is t e n tir e ly o f b o y s fro m th e a g e s o f fo u r te e n to tw e n ty . T h e s o c ie ty h a s tw o o b je c ts in v ie w . F ir s t a n d fo re m o s t, th e y a r e b o u n d to g e th e r fo r th e , p ro p a g a tio n a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t o f a th e is m a n d th e d e s tr u c tio n o f th e p o w e r o f th e P a p a l C h u rc h . O n th e a rm o f e a c h m e m b e r is ta tto o e d in , la r g e p r in t th e le tte r s “A .D .,” s ig n if y in g A n ti D ie u . So f a r , th e p r ie s ts h a v e b e e n p o w e rle s s to ' p u t d o w n th is e x tr a o r d in a r y , th is te r r ib le in s titu tio n , w h ic h is w in k e d a t, if no't a c tu a lly s u p p o rte d b y th e F r e n c h G o v e rn ­ m e n t, w h o s e g r e a t o b je c t is to d e s tr o y th e R o m a n C a th o lic C h u rc h in F r a n c e . E a c h m e m b e r, in a d d itio n to h a v in g h is a rm b ra n d e d w ith th e le tte r s “A .D .,” w e a r s a b a d g e in th è s h a p e o f a re d m o o n , a n d th e lo c a l c h ie fs b e a r d is tin g u is h in g ta tto o m a r k s on th e ir r ig h t h a n d s . T h e S o c ie ty a ls o p o s s e s s e s s e c r e t s ig n s a n d " g rip s ." No fact th roughout th e prophetic pages for all who receive the m ark volun­ tarily, as distinct from being branded

iiiiiUiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimitiiiiiiii' rfu'iHiiiiiiriiiiiiriiiiiiiiiniiiMtupimiHiiiiiiiiiiiimiimimiiiiuimiiini^uiauuMiiimniiilHUillUluiiuiniui^

GET TO THE WATCH TOWE7. The following words fr^m Mr. Spurgeon were printed many years ago in Dr. Jam es H. 1' magazine, ‘T ru th ” : |E T the new theologians have liberty to preach w hat they like on th e ir own ground, b u t not in our pulpits. Alas! th e leading members in many churches are Christians w ithout backbones, molluscous, spongy; snails I would call them , only they have no t th e consistency of th e snail’s shell. They are ready to swallow any m ortal thing, if th e preacher seems clever and eloquent. Cleverness and eloquence— away w ith them ! If it is no t th e tru th of God, th e more cleverly and eloquently it is preached th e more damnable it is. W,e must have th e tru th , and nothing b u t th e tru th , and I charge th e fathers in Christ all over England and America to see to this. Get ye to your watch-tower and guard th e flock, lest th e sheep be destroyed while ye are asleep.”


Prophetic -Mistakes of Adventists Seventh-day Adventists, Who Teach Much that is True, are Active. Look Out for the False! By REV. S. FRASER LANGFORD , R edlands, Calif.

th e Lord’s second coming myself.” He began w ith Daniel 8:14, “Unto two thousand th ree hundred days then shall th e sanctuary be cleansed.” This proph­ ecy does not refer to a person coming a t all, nor does it say two thousand th ree -hundred years. But by some strange juggling of th e Hebrew lan­ guage, Miller said th a t these days mean years, and the cleansing of th e sanc­ tu ary means the second coming of Je ­ sus. If he had studied the book of Ezra and Nehemiah he would have seen th a t th is prophecy covering two thousand th ree hundred days, was fulfilled seven years afte r the decree of A rtaxerxes in 455 B. C. But Miller, for some reason, started his calculation from 457 B. C. and said these days m eant years, and, therefore, it means th a t Jesu s is coming on October 22, 1843. Great excitement prevailed in th e United States, bu t the Lord didn’t come on Miller’s scheduled time. Then Miller adm itted th a t he was out a year (poor Miller, only a y ear!) and th a t it w o u ld 'su re ly take place October 22nd, 1844. Millerites hired teams, afte r they had disposed of th eir own, to haul them to high moun­ tains in order to be ready for the as­ cension. M istakes of th e P rophetess Then Mrs. W hite came into prom i­ nence about th e same tim e as the Fox sisters. She is described as a nervous, neurotic, cataleptic woman who would go into trances, and adm it her followers to h er room in order th a t they m ight h ear her mouthings in her pretended trances. Mrs. White got a g reat fol­ lowing and th a t following is now known as the Seventh Day Adventist

PAUL’S le tte r to th e Corinth- ins in this im portant message e contrasts the m inistries of le old and th e new covenant.

The m inister of the old covenant was certainly a picturesque figure w ith his flowing robes, his ephods, his broad phylacteries, his incense and his bloody sacrifice. But th e old order changeth. I t is changing as th e bloody Druids of England passed, as the heathen reli­ gions of the world are passing, difnmed into darkness before th e increasing glo­ ries of covenant of grace which is in Jesus Christ. Seventh Day Adventism is commit­ ting th e grave m istake of reviving a p art of the old Jew ish religion. W ith A zeal worthy of a b etter cause, they beg money from the merchants for the pur­ pose of pu tting on so called health cam­ paigns, bu t w ith th e ultim ate design of getting converts to th e peculiar Jewish idea of keeping the seventh day instead of th e first. The whole Seventh Day Adventist movement originated in a m istaken and misguided leader, and it can be expect­ ed to issue in a series of m istakes on th e p art of all who are led astray by it. How can a message of tru th come from a m istaken prophetess who was a pupil of a still more m istaken and misguided prophet, W illiam Miller? Modern Sev­ enth Day Adventists deny th a t Mrs. White was a pupil of W illiam Miller, but if we tu rn to h er E arly W ritings (page 64) th ere you will find her saying th a t God was in Miller’s proclama­ tion of 1843. William Miller, an uneducated farm ­ er, said, “I will figure out the tim e of

127 don’t know the difference between a day and a year in Daniel 8:14. They have been m istaken again and again about th e Lord’s coming, m istaken about th e cleansing of the sanctuary. How are they going to tell us th en th a t we have made a m istake in tak ing the first day of th e week instead of th e Jpw1 ish Saturday? The Mistakes of th e Followers Evangelists of th is cult are now try ­ ing to pu t th e m ark of the beast on all who do not worship on Saturday. They have identified th e beast w ith the Pope. I haven’t any special brief for the Pope. I have never kissed his big toe, b u t I am unwilling, on historic grounds, 'to believe th a t he is the gentleman re­ ferred to. These evangelists of th e cult, al­ though using the Lord’s Day in which to do th eir preaching, inform us th ere is no statem en t in th e Bible which shows th a t the commandment about th e Sabbath has ever been taken away and another pu t in its place. It can be answered th a t there is no com­ mandment ;in th e New Testament di­ rectly commanding th e Seventh Day Adventists, or anyone else, to keep the Jew ish Sabbath. Over against th eir statem en t the following rebu ttal can easily be made. Both the Old and the New Testament w ritings have abundant evidehce to show th a t the Mosaic law, w ritten for the Jews on Sinai, was abol­ ished as basis for the new covenant w ith God. Hosea says, “ I will cause all her m irth to cease: her feast days and Sabbaths and all her solemn feasts';’^ Je r. 31:31-33 says, “ I will make a new covenant, not according to the covenant I made w ith the fath e rs' when I took them out of Egypt.” The new covenant was completed when Jesus said, “This is th e new covenant in My blood.” It is the blood of Christ which takes away sin, not the conform ity to the Mosaic law. We who love God and love our neighbors will natu rally conform to all

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S movement. She proclaimed to h er fol­ lowers th a t God’s hand was in Mr. Mil­ ler’s prophecy, but his hand hid a p art of the figures. W hat p art she does not say, b u t it left her abundant opportu­ nity to juggle w ith figures afte r th at. She said the coming to cleanse the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 did not mean th e earth , bu t the heavenly holy of holies. This was mixing things up w ith a vengeance, for the Scriptures say in Revelation 21:27 concerning the heavenly place, “There shall in no wise en ter into it anything th a t defileth it.” , How could a sanctuary be cleansed of th a t of which it could not be defiled? Mrs. W hite told her followers th a t th e door of salvation for all sinners was closed in 1844. H er followers deny th is bu t it can be seen in her publica­ tion “P resen t T ru th ” page 22, August 1849. If the door of salvation was closed then, why are her followers try ­ ing to convert us sinners in this late day? She was something of a dress reform ­ er, for in one of h er trances she discov­ ered th a t the Lord wanted women to wear sho rt dresses and trousers, bu t in the 2Oth century her followers are ta k ­ ing th e ir styles from such unholy fa­ shion plates as B u tterick ’s. The Scriptures say concerning the te st of any self-appointed prophet, Deut. 18:21-22, “When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the things follow not or come to pass, th a t is the th ing which the Lord has not spoken but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,* thou sh alt not be afraid of him .” A fter th e leaders of th is cult were so grossly m istaken, how can anyone ac­ cept th e ir followers as teachers? These are th e misguided people who are now trying to tell us what is the proper day in which to worship God. Days? Why, the Seventh Day Advent­ ists have been m istaken about days ever since the beginning of the cult. They

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S same reason th a t th e Seventh Day Ad­ ventists use our Sunday as the only day on which they can get a crowd to do th e ir proselyting. P au l’s ultim ate rea­ son was not to confirm th e Jews in the old Sabbath observance and Mosaic r it­ ual, b u t to get them to tu rn from it. The day m eant nothing to him, th e op­ po rtun ity to win converts m eant every­ thing. The Seventh Day Adventists in saying th a t th e New Testam ent church never m et on any o th er day b u t the Sabbath, grossly pervert th e facts and deliberately ignore th e very g reat dif­ ference between the Jew ish synagogues and th e Christian church. The Jewish synagogues always m et on th e Sabbath, bu t the records of th e New Testament show th a t the Christian churches met on th e first day of th e week. The proof follows: John 20:19 shows th a t Sunday was th e C hristians’ assembly time. I t was on th e evening of th e first day of the week when th e disciples were assembled — when Jesus came and stood in the m idst and said, “Peace be unto you.” John 20:26 again, “A fter eight days the disciples were w ithin and Jesus came.” The eighth day evidently }s th e first day. Sunday was also th e communion time. Acts 20 :7 : “On th e first day when we were gathered to break bread, P aul discoursed w ith them .” It was also the day fo r receiving offerings. 1 Cor. 16:1-2: “On the first day of the week let every one lay by him in store as God has prospered him .” . It was th e synagogues which met on Saturday, or th e Jewish Sabbath. The Christian churches in the New Testam ent met on Sunday. The fact th a t the New Testament Christian churches met on Sunday proves ano th er m istake of th e Advent­ ists, who assert th a t th e Pope changed th e day from Saturday to Sunday. They try to identify the Pope as the beast of Revelation, who they say changed the day of worship from S aturday to Sun-

128 th e moral requirem ents of th e code. And If we slip in any grievous way, th ere is th e crim inal code of the United States to hold us in check. Heaven is not reached by Sinai, bu t by the way of Calvary’s Cross. Annulment By Teaching The Mosaic law as a basis for the Christian covenant is done away with by New T estam ent teachings. In 2 Cor. 3:6-7 P aul calls th e ten commandments “ th e le tte r th a t k illeth ” because it pro­ nounces death upon .all who broke its commandments. He calls it “th e min­ istration of death w ritten and engraven on stone.” And again he refers to it as a glory which was passing away be­ fore the new glory in Christ. The new commandment which Jesus pu ts in the place of th e old is th is: "A new commandment I give unto you, th a t you love one ano ther.” “Thou sh alt love the Lord thy God w ith all thy h eart, w ith all thy soul, w ith all thy strength, w ith all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself.” “Love is th e ful­ filling of the law .” In Col. 2:16 Paul says, “Let no man issue an ordinance q$ judgm ent to you in respect of an holy day, or of a new moon, or of the Sab­ b ath days.” Yet in the face of these New Testament dictums th e special pleaders of th e old Jew ish Sabbath tell us th a t th ere is no commandment an­ nulling th a t day. Annulment By Example New Testament examples always an­ nul S aturday as the Christian Sabbath. It is very evidently displaced by the new Lord’s Day. The Seventh Day advocates say th a t the apostles kept the Sabbath and never kept any other day and they cited to sustain th e ir a r­ gument, Acts 17:2, which refers to Paul going in on th e Sabbath days to the synagogues to reason w ith th e Jews. P au l went in on th a t day because th a t was th e only day he could get th e Jews together to h ear about the gospel of grace. He went in on th a t day for the

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