King's Business - 1923-02

“Best” Books about

The Bible


All About the Bible By Sidney C ollett

ItsOrigin Itslanguage I^sTranáaiwo -'ItVCanoir irúSyirbots lisInspiration Its«legaltm* ¿ Cwirató« ItsPlan "ItsSelene« Its Rivals

It w ould be h a rd to find a g re a te r am o u n t of in ­ form ation a n d a rg um e n t p ack ed in to th e sam e com pass th an is p resen ted by th e w rite r of this book. H e n o t only takes up th e origin, language, tran slatio n , canon, inspiration, errors, etc., of th e Bible, b u t m any qu es­ tion« w hich have been raised c o n cern in g it, a n d gives well digested answ ers. Should b e in every fam ily library. P ric e $1 .5 0


How We Got Our Bible By J. P a tte rso n Sm ythe

Our 66 Sacred Books, or How Our Bible Was Made By Edw in Rice A p o p u lar hand-book for colleges, N orm al classes a n d Sunday Schools on th e a u th o r­ ship, co n ten ts, p reserv atio n , a n d circu la­ tio n of th e C h ristian S crip tu res. T his book in co rp o rates th e -accepted resu lts of recen t explorations in th e Bible lands and the re ­ searches of critical sch o lars w ithin th e p a st tw enty y ears. P rice $1.00

T his volum e, w hich tra c e s th e 's to ry o f th e Bible from th e early m an u scrip ts of th e A postolic days dow n to th e la s t version in o u r h ands today, is brim ful of useful in ­ form ation w hich will p rove of invaluable service to all B ible readers. P rice $1.00 Theopneustia ; the Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures By L . G aussen Am ong sch o lars w ho are loyal to th e W ord of God th is h as been considered one of th e b est, if n o t th e b est, settin g fo rth of th e doctrine of V erbal In sp iratio n th a t has ever been w ritten . P rice $1.00

Why I Believe the Bible By D avid J. B urrell

Does anyone, know ing th e a u th o r, doubt his ab ility to give in clear, concise a n d co n ­ vincing form h is, reasons fo r a definite faith in th e Book of Books? The w ork will co n ­ firm th e faith, cu re skepticism a n d co n v ert th e ho n est enquirer. P rice $1.25

Practical and Perplexing Questions Answered By D r. R . A . T orrey

Life in the Word

B y P hilip M auro “T his virile little volum e is in n a tu re of a law yer’s brief for the au th o rity of the Bible.” The a u th o r hais • g ath ered to g eth er th e b e st proofs of th e v ita lity and vitalizing pow er of th e Bible and p u t them in to fo rci­ ble shape. P rice 50c

T his book tak es up th e p ra c tic al questions an d th e perplexing questions th a t C hristians, especially young C hristians, a re co n stan tly asking. It is a com panion book to “D iffi­ culties in th e Bible” P a p e r ........................................................................ 30c C loth ................................................................ ..........75c

The Summarized Bible By K eith L. Brooks

D r. W . H . G riffith T hom as, in E vangelical 'W itness, says: “ T his w o rk is a d ap ted fo r p riv ate study an d also as a te x t b o o k fo r teaching, w hile in addition, it will pro v e exceedingly useful as a w o rk of referen ce fo r p re ac h ers a n d tea ch ­ ers. O n its ow n lines, it is adm irable fo r helpfulness an d those w ho use it will c ertain ly obtain a th o ro u g h know ledge of th e Bible. P ric e (c lo th ), $ 1 .7 5 ; (p a p e r ) , $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% . for postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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