King's Business - 1923-02

“Best” Bible Outlines

and Illustrations

750 Bible and Gospel Studies B rief com plete outlines of serm ons, talk s, ad d resses; for S tudents, T eachers, P reach- New. R eady help fo r leading all m eet­ ings. M any im p o rtan t an d puzzling qu es­ tio n s answ ered. A p t references an d sh o rt explanations. All su b jects covered. V est P ock et size, 128 pages. C loth ...................................................................... $0.35 M orocco .................................................................. .50 Seed Thoughts for Public Speakers By D r. A . T. Pierson A h exceedingly helpful book fo r th e busy C hristian w orker who does h o t have tim e to cull o u t and file such a collection of m aterial fo r him self. C loth, $1.50

500 Bible Readings

By F . E . M arsh It is th e pu rp o se of th is book of “Bible R eadings" to u se S crip tu re to explain S crip ­ tu re. The au th o r h as, by long, p atien t, and pray erfu l stu d y of God’s w ord, b y thoro u g h conviction of its divine in sp iratio n in every p a rt, b y hum ble reliance on th e H oly Spirit to enlighten a n d guide him , o btained a w on­ derfully skilled w isdom in p u ttin g to g eth er various po rtio n s of th e Bible b earin g upon d ifferent subjects. T his book is especially helpful to those who a re called upon to teach Bible C lasses o r give Bible R eadings, an d fo r those who w ish to do good topical preaching. P rice $1.50

Sermon Illustrations of the Bible •By K eith L. Brooks

The a u th o r is of th e opinion th a t “T here a re no b e tte r serm on illu stra tio n s th a n those to be found in th e Bible itself." To a ssist p reach ers an d Bible teach ers in lo catin g th e b e st of such illu stratio n s, he h as w ritten th is book. Illu strativ e m aterial from various p a rts of th e Bible is grouped u nder topics a rran g ed in alphabetical o rd er for ready ref­ erence. The book is v ery brief, and is m eant to be suggestive ra th e r th a n exhaustive. P rice $1.00 Lights on Scripture Truths By M. M. B oteler Bible Truths Illustrated By J. C. F. P ittm an

A valuable ready-reference com pendium of original, forceful an d a p t illu stratio n s for th e b u sy p reach er, Bible School teach er and religious w orker. The strik in g o rig in ­ ality a n d p ra c tic al usefulness 6 f each illu s­ tra tio n p u ts th is volum e in a class all by itself. A carefully p rep ared topical index a n d alph ab etically a rran g ed tab le of con­ te n ts ad d g reatly to its usefulness. Its d is­ tin c t value is th a t th e a u th o r has followed th e ■ exam ple of th e g re a t T eacher in illu s­ tra tin g profound tru th s by exam ples fam iliar to* all. “ I found one illu stra tio n th a t w as well t\o rth the book.”— S. M. B ernard. P rice $1.00

T here a re 88 su b jects tre a te d , a rran g ed in alp h ab etical order, s ta rtin g w ith affliction an d ending w ith zeal. 'T he th o u g h ts and S crip tu ral tru th s th a t can be so forcibly ex -/ pressed th ro u g h th is helpful m aterial are th e kind th a t drive hom e conviction. $1.75

500 Gospel Incidents By Jo h n R itchie

A book filled w ith good illu stratio n s, clear anecdotes and th rillin g testim onies— a book w hich all who p reach Jesu s C hrist w ill find a g reat help in th eir w ork. Cloth, $1.00

1000 Evangelistic Illustrations By R ev. A quilla W ebb, D . D., LL . D.

P resid en t M ullins in his “ In tro d u ctio n " say s,1' “ I know of no collection equal in range an d v a rie ty a n d forcefulness. It is a notable service to th e cause of evangelism to p rep are a volum e of illu stra tio n s w hich th e evangelistic P reach er m ay keep a t h an d fo r reinforce­ m ent ¿in tru th . Public speakers Will find here a tre a su re house of illu stra tiv e m aterial. 1 do n o t h e sitate to p re d ic t th a t th e volum e will have a v ery larg e sale, because it will be found helpful in so m any w ays to th e p reach er of th e Gospel. P rice $3.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If books are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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