King's Business - 1923-02

The Christian Calendar for 1923

is th e ideal Calendar* ju st th e one y o u have b een lo o k in g for. T h o se w ho h ad it last y e a r w ill surely w a n t it a g ain this year. T h e co v er design is a sim ple, in sp irin g p ic ­ tu re of th e Boy Jesus “ In th e W ork sh o p of Nazareth.** E ach p a g e h as a b eautiful S crip­ tu re p ic tu re done in sepia a n d each day has th e d a te in c le ar le tte rs w ith a helpful S crip ­ tu re te x t u n d e rn ea th . Besides this* th e Sunday School lesson te x t a n d G olden T ex t for each Sunday a re given. A n d th e p rices a re low er th a n a n y o th e r S c rip tu re T ex t on th e m ark et. 1 to 3* 2 5 c each 5 fo r $ 1.00 25 fo r 4.75 100 fo r 17.00 500 fo r 75.00 n o t p re p aid T hese p rices a re cash w ith o rd e r. P ostage p repaid to a n y p lace o n e a rth ex cept as noted.

I f m o n e y d o e s n o t a c c o m p a n y o rd er* g o o d s w ill b e s e n t C . O . D . BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. 3ailBliailBliaiiailBlllliaiiaiiaiiaiiailBliailBIIBIiaiiaHBI!aiiai!ailBliailBIIBIIBMBIIBIiailBliaHailBllBliaiiaiiailBI!aillliaiiailBHIIiaiiai!IIIIIIIIIIIIBIiaiiaiiailll£ 1 At Last a Perfect Binder j inunniiiluiiiiiuiuuiunuHiiiiiiHiinininiHuinnintinniiiiiiiiiiiiiHtmtniiiiiitiiiiHiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiilHittitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiuiiliimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiluiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

You Can Have Your Year’s King’s Business Bound for Just One Dollar— In a Beautiful Leatherette Finish— | Making a Handsome Book for Your Library.


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