King's Business - 1923-02

Prophetic -Mistakes of Adventists Seventh-day Adventists, Who Teach Much that is True, are Active. Look Out for the False! By REV. S. FRASER LANGFORD , R edlands, Calif.

th e Lord’s second coming myself.” He began w ith Daniel 8:14, “Unto two thousand th ree hundred days then shall th e sanctuary be cleansed.” This proph­ ecy does not refer to a person coming a t all, nor does it say two thousand th ree -hundred years. But by some strange juggling of th e Hebrew lan­ guage, Miller said th a t these days mean years, and the cleansing of th e sanc­ tu ary means the second coming of Je ­ sus. If he had studied the book of Ezra and Nehemiah he would have seen th a t th is prophecy covering two thousand th ree hundred days, was fulfilled seven years afte r the decree of A rtaxerxes in 455 B. C. But Miller, for some reason, started his calculation from 457 B. C. and said these days m eant years, and, therefore, it means th a t Jesu s is coming on October 22, 1843. Great excitement prevailed in th e United States, bu t the Lord didn’t come on Miller’s scheduled time. Then Miller adm itted th a t he was out a year (poor Miller, only a y ear!) and th a t it w o u ld 'su re ly take place October 22nd, 1844. Millerites hired teams, afte r they had disposed of th eir own, to haul them to high moun­ tains in order to be ready for the as­ cension. M istakes of th e P rophetess Then Mrs. W hite came into prom i­ nence about th e same tim e as the Fox sisters. She is described as a nervous, neurotic, cataleptic woman who would go into trances, and adm it her followers to h er room in order th a t they m ight h ear her mouthings in her pretended trances. Mrs. White got a g reat fol­ lowing and th a t following is now known as the Seventh Day Adventist

PAUL’S le tte r to th e Corinth- ins in this im portant message e contrasts the m inistries of le old and th e new covenant.

The m inister of the old covenant was certainly a picturesque figure w ith his flowing robes, his ephods, his broad phylacteries, his incense and his bloody sacrifice. But th e old order changeth. I t is changing as th e bloody Druids of England passed, as the heathen reli­ gions of the world are passing, difnmed into darkness before th e increasing glo­ ries of covenant of grace which is in Jesus Christ. Seventh Day Adventism is commit­ ting th e grave m istake of reviving a p art of the old Jew ish religion. W ith A zeal worthy of a b etter cause, they beg money from the merchants for the pur­ pose of pu tting on so called health cam­ paigns, bu t w ith th e ultim ate design of getting converts to th e peculiar Jewish idea of keeping the seventh day instead of th e first. The whole Seventh Day Adventist movement originated in a m istaken and misguided leader, and it can be expect­ ed to issue in a series of m istakes on th e p art of all who are led astray by it. How can a message of tru th come from a m istaken prophetess who was a pupil of a still more m istaken and misguided prophet, W illiam Miller? Modern Sev­ enth Day Adventists deny th a t Mrs. White was a pupil of W illiam Miller, but if we tu rn to h er E arly W ritings (page 64) th ere you will find her saying th a t God was in Miller’s proclama­ tion of 1843. William Miller, an uneducated farm ­ er, said, “I will figure out the tim e of

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