King's Business - 1923-02

127 don’t know the difference between a day and a year in Daniel 8:14. They have been m istaken again and again about th e Lord’s coming, m istaken about th e cleansing of the sanctuary. How are they going to tell us th en th a t we have made a m istake in tak ing the first day of th e week instead of th e Jpw1 ish Saturday? The Mistakes of th e Followers Evangelists of th is cult are now try ­ ing to pu t th e m ark of the beast on all who do not worship on Saturday. They have identified th e beast w ith the Pope. I haven’t any special brief for the Pope. I have never kissed his big toe, b u t I am unwilling, on historic grounds, 'to believe th a t he is the gentleman re­ ferred to. These evangelists of th e cult, al­ though using the Lord’s Day in which to do th eir preaching, inform us th ere is no statem en t in th e Bible which shows th a t the commandment about th e Sabbath has ever been taken away and another pu t in its place. It can be answered th a t there is no com­ mandment ;in th e New Testament di­ rectly commanding th e Seventh Day Adventists, or anyone else, to keep the Jew ish Sabbath. Over against th eir statem en t the following rebu ttal can easily be made. Both the Old and the New Testament w ritings have abundant evidehce to show th a t the Mosaic law, w ritten for the Jews on Sinai, was abol­ ished as basis for the new covenant w ith God. Hosea says, “ I will cause all her m irth to cease: her feast days and Sabbaths and all her solemn feasts';’^ Je r. 31:31-33 says, “ I will make a new covenant, not according to the covenant I made w ith the fath e rs' when I took them out of Egypt.” The new covenant was completed when Jesus said, “This is th e new covenant in My blood.” It is the blood of Christ which takes away sin, not the conform ity to the Mosaic law. We who love God and love our neighbors will natu rally conform to all

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S movement. She proclaimed to h er fol­ lowers th a t God’s hand was in Mr. Mil­ ler’s prophecy, but his hand hid a p art of the figures. W hat p art she does not say, b u t it left her abundant opportu­ nity to juggle w ith figures afte r th at. She said the coming to cleanse the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 did not mean th e earth , bu t the heavenly holy of holies. This was mixing things up w ith a vengeance, for the Scriptures say in Revelation 21:27 concerning the heavenly place, “There shall in no wise en ter into it anything th a t defileth it.” , How could a sanctuary be cleansed of th a t of which it could not be defiled? Mrs. W hite told her followers th a t th e door of salvation for all sinners was closed in 1844. H er followers deny th is bu t it can be seen in her publica­ tion “P resen t T ru th ” page 22, August 1849. If the door of salvation was closed then, why are her followers try ­ ing to convert us sinners in this late day? She was something of a dress reform ­ er, for in one of h er trances she discov­ ered th a t the Lord wanted women to wear sho rt dresses and trousers, bu t in the 2Oth century her followers are ta k ­ ing th e ir styles from such unholy fa­ shion plates as B u tterick ’s. The Scriptures say concerning the te st of any self-appointed prophet, Deut. 18:21-22, “When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the things follow not or come to pass, th a t is the th ing which the Lord has not spoken but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously,* thou sh alt not be afraid of him .” A fter th e leaders of th is cult were so grossly m istaken, how can anyone ac­ cept th e ir followers as teachers? These are th e misguided people who are now trying to tell us what is the proper day in which to worship God. Days? Why, the Seventh Day Advent­ ists have been m istaken about days ever since the beginning of the cult. They

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