King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S same reason th a t th e Seventh Day Ad­ ventists use our Sunday as the only day on which they can get a crowd to do th e ir proselyting. P au l’s ultim ate rea­ son was not to confirm th e Jews in the old Sabbath observance and Mosaic r it­ ual, b u t to get them to tu rn from it. The day m eant nothing to him, th e op­ po rtun ity to win converts m eant every­ thing. The Seventh Day Adventists in saying th a t th e New Testam ent church never m et on any o th er day b u t the Sabbath, grossly pervert th e facts and deliberately ignore th e very g reat dif­ ference between the Jew ish synagogues and th e Christian church. The Jewish synagogues always m et on th e Sabbath, bu t the records of th e New Testament show th a t the Christian churches met on th e first day of th e week. The proof follows: John 20:19 shows th a t Sunday was th e C hristians’ assembly time. I t was on th e evening of th e first day of the week when th e disciples were assembled — when Jesus came and stood in the m idst and said, “Peace be unto you.” John 20:26 again, “A fter eight days the disciples were w ithin and Jesus came.” The eighth day evidently }s th e first day. Sunday was also th e communion time. Acts 20 :7 : “On th e first day when we were gathered to break bread, P aul discoursed w ith them .” It was also the day fo r receiving offerings. 1 Cor. 16:1-2: “On the first day of the week let every one lay by him in store as God has prospered him .” . It was th e synagogues which met on Saturday, or th e Jewish Sabbath. The Christian churches in the New Testam ent met on Sunday. The fact th a t the New Testament Christian churches met on Sunday proves ano th er m istake of th e Advent­ ists, who assert th a t th e Pope changed th e day from Saturday to Sunday. They try to identify the Pope as the beast of Revelation, who they say changed the day of worship from S aturday to Sun-

128 th e moral requirem ents of th e code. And If we slip in any grievous way, th ere is th e crim inal code of the United States to hold us in check. Heaven is not reached by Sinai, bu t by the way of Calvary’s Cross. Annulment By Teaching The Mosaic law as a basis for the Christian covenant is done away with by New T estam ent teachings. In 2 Cor. 3:6-7 P aul calls th e ten commandments “ th e le tte r th a t k illeth ” because it pro­ nounces death upon .all who broke its commandments. He calls it “th e min­ istration of death w ritten and engraven on stone.” And again he refers to it as a glory which was passing away be­ fore the new glory in Christ. The new commandment which Jesus pu ts in the place of th e old is th is: "A new commandment I give unto you, th a t you love one ano ther.” “Thou sh alt love the Lord thy God w ith all thy h eart, w ith all thy soul, w ith all thy strength, w ith all thy mind and thy neighbor as thyself.” “Love is th e ful­ filling of the law .” In Col. 2:16 Paul says, “Let no man issue an ordinance q$ judgm ent to you in respect of an holy day, or of a new moon, or of the Sab­ b ath days.” Yet in the face of these New Testament dictums th e special pleaders of th e old Jew ish Sabbath tell us th a t th ere is no commandment an­ nulling th a t day. Annulment By Example New Testament examples always an­ nul S aturday as the Christian Sabbath. It is very evidently displaced by the new Lord’s Day. The Seventh Day advocates say th a t the apostles kept the Sabbath and never kept any other day and they cited to sustain th e ir a r­ gument, Acts 17:2, which refers to Paul going in on th e Sabbath days to the synagogues to reason w ith th e Jews. P au l went in on th a t day because th a t was th e only day he could get th e Jews together to h ear about the gospel of grace. He went in on th a t day for the

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