King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S day, hence all who worship on Sunday have the m ark of th e beast. This wor­ ship on Sunday to them is the m ark of th e beast. If the Adventists are to be believed, all th e saints and m artyrs of th e church who have been worshiping on Sunday from th e first century to th e adv en t, of these misguided followers of the neurotic prophetess, have th e m ark of the beast. The Pope had absolutely nothing to do w ith the changing of th e Sabbath. In the first place th ere was no Pope known as such un til 1073 A. D., while th e New Testament shows th a t th e Christians in th e New Testam ent times were keeping Sunday instead of Sat­ urday. Even adm itting for th e sake of the argum ent, th a t th e Pope is th e beast, although th ere is something to be said on th e o ther side, th e fact of Chris­ tians of th e New Testament church wor­ shiping on Sunday a thousand years before th e Catholic popes as such ap­ peared, would make it seem to any log­ ical m ind th a t th e beast had nothing to do w ith the changing of th e day. This is not only evident from th e New Testa­ m ent bu t from th e w ritings of the fathers. It is a m a tte r of g reat joy th a t we are not und er bondage bu t are under th e m inistry of the new covenant, 2 Cor. 3:6-17. The old covenant was a glorious in strum en t fo r righteousness for its time, b u t its tim e has'passed. I t produced a stalw art holiness among th e Jews, making them a m arked people among th e nations of the earth . The Christian m inistry has displaced the Jew ish priest, the Lamb slain once for all on Calvary has done away w ith the blood of bulls and goats offered on Jew­ ish altars y ear by year. The day th a t remembers Sinai is displaced by the day th a t remembers Calvary. The n atal day of creation is displaced by the g reater day of redemption. The old covenant was a g reat in strum en t of its age, th e new covenant is th e g reatest instrum ent for any age. 2 Cor. 3:7 shows us th e

129 old covenant was a covenant of law on stone, a m inistration of death w ritten and engraven on stone. The new cov­ en an t is a covenant w ritten in respon»- sive hum an h earts. The old covenant is called a law which kills those who break it, “for it is w ritten, Cursed is everyone who continueth not in all things th a i are w ritten in th e law to do them .” The new covenant is a source, of love and helpfulness, th a t lifts those who have broken the law. It says of the bruised reed, “ I will not break thee,” and of the smoking flax, “Thou sh alt not be quenched. The same passage in 2 Cor. 3, shows us th a t th e old is a glory th a t fades. “Which glory was a fading glory.” The new covenant is a glory th a t grows. Its dawn is rising up th rough the eastern sky. I t is shining more and more unto th e perfect day. *The old covenant had a stern glory in its condemnation. It thundered from Sinai. Its sentence could be heard in th e court room of th e universe— “The soul th a t sinneth it shall die.” P aul called it a glory of condemnation— stern, austere, forbid­ ding; bu t the glory

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