King's Business - 1923-02

Tke Approaching Day

Significant P o in ters— from "M orning S tar”

a god whom his fath ers knew no t shall he honor w ith gold and silver” (Daniel 1 1 :38 ). Men by th e million, in these times, ignore the God of the Bible, and make a god out of “ the forces of na­ tu re ,” and in th is ido latry they pour out any amount of gold and silver, as Daniel foretells. 5. G reat battleships.— “At' th e time of the end” the kings of the ea rth shall fight w ith “many ships” (Daniel 11: 40). One single first-class battleship of modern steel could w ithstand th e a t­ tack and sink to the bottom of th e sea all the navies of th e world of a hundred years ago. 6. Massing g rea t w ealth.—- “ Ye have heaped up trea su re fo r (o r in ) the last days” (Jam es 5 :1 -8 ). . . . The word “tog ether” suggests th e very idea of the modern tru sts and combines which, never practised un til a few years ago, have spread like wild-fire, in recent years, into every departm ent of trade and commerce. . . . When th e personal an tich rist shall arise, i t "is likely th a t every business on earth will be merged into a world-wide combine, w ith the “beast,” the antichrist, a t the head of it; and th e modern combine^ are only practising fo r those awful times in the tribu lation period.

“ Ye see th e day approaching” (He­ brews 10 :25 ). “The n ig h t is ia r spent, th e day is a t h and ” (Romans 1 3 :12 ). Twelve signs of th e approaching day, are: 1. Chariots ru n by electricity.— “The chariots shall be w ith flaming torches in th e day of H is preparation, and the fir trees shall be terrib ly shaken. The chariots shall rage in th e streets, they shall jostle one against another in th e broad ways, they shall seem like torches, they shall ru n like lightnings” (Nahum 2 :3 -4 ). “We name our streets ‘Broadways,’ along which electric cars are run by lightning, and lighted, h eat­ ed, started , and stopped by lightning, while from the trolley above and th e wheel beneath th e re are flashes of lightning. And do they not frequently collide and jostle one another, and also shake the ground and the trees in their flight?” 2. G reat Travel.— “Many shall run to and fro ” (Daniel 1 2 :4 ). A t th e b e-' ginning of the tw entieth century the various railroads on earth carried not less annually th a n two and a half bil­ lions of passengers, traveling over a distance of tw enty-eight billions of miles. It simply staggers any human imagination. Then palatial steamships, bicycles, automobiles, subm arine and aerial ships. . . . If the word “ru n ” in the prophecy indicates speed, the word “many” indicates th e countless multitudes. 3. “Knowledge shall be increased.” —All kinds of knowledge, good and bad, is being dissem inated by books and papers and schools of every variety in these late years as never in past cen­ turies. 4. M aterial force idolized.— “ In his estate he shall honor the god of forces,

7. Satanic religion.,—“T h e Spirit speaketh expressly th a t in th e la tte r times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doc­ trines of devils; forbidding to m arry and commanding to abstain from m eats” (1 Tim. 4 :1 -3 ). . . . There never was a tim e on earth when the devil had so many preachers deluding so many peo­ ple w ith false religion as in these days. 8. The g reat apostasy.— P au l says th at, before th e coming Qf our Lord th ere will “ come a falling away (apos­ tasy ) first.” The breaking down which YOU CAN SEND HIM or HER FROM

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