King's Business - 1923-02

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I NOTES CONCERN ING PROPHECY | II A N D S IGNS O F T H E TIMES Im u. „ „„ " ' , , m ■ " . " " V” ” " S„ "u |i|| W hittier’s Pore-Gleam. au tho rities had apparently taken place during more th a n two years.

I saw, far down th e coming time, The fiery chastisement of crime, W ith noise of m ingling hosts, and ja r Of falling towers, and shouts of war; I saw th e nations rise and fall, Like fire-gleams on th e whitened wall; I saw them draw the stormy hem Of b attle round Jerusalem . Who trem bled a t my warning word? Who owned th e prophet of th e Lord? O prophet of th e beating heart, For God’s g reat purpose set apart, Before whose far-discerning eyes The fu tu re as the present lies; Beyond a narrow-m inded age Stretches thy prophet’s heritage. Through heaven’s dim spaces, angel- trod ; Through arches ’round th e throne of God! Thy audience, worlds!— all tim e to be The W itness of th e T ru th to be. Russia-Germany Com bine.. Prophetic students have long seen the probable form ation in th e near fu tu re of th e g reat N orthern power spoken of in Scripture. Think w hat such a combine as Germany, Russia, Turkey, revived Assyria, and Syrfa would be! As to th e union of Germanised Rus­ sia, and w hat it signifies, do we wonder, in th e light of recent events and what is suspected, w hat th e outcome will be? One has said: “F or a long tim e th e agitation in favor of a Russo-German union was n o t taken seriously. However, a t th e beginning of th e Genoa Conference th e Germans concluded a commercial tre a ty w ith Russia and surprised th e world w ith th e accomplished fact. Negotiations be­ tween th e Bolsheviks and the German

“It is suspected in France, and else­ where, th a t Russia and Germany have arranged for m ilitary co-operation in certain eventualities. Well-informed people in F ran ce assert th a t thousands of German m ilitary experts have organ­ ized th e Russian army, and th a t many of the ablest employees of K rupps, and oth er munition makers, have gone to Russia to m anufacture arm s, not only for Russia, b u t also for Germany.” Strange P rophetess in Germany. A prophetess recently appeared in Potsdam , Germany, causing a g reat sen­ sation. She declares her mission to w arn people of serious coming events. In public speeches to big audiences she declares she has met more th a n a hun­ dred of “th e m ighty dead,” who have given h er such inform ation as enables her to be a prophetess. She does not forecast imm ediate happenings, b u t in 1927 th e world is, according to her story, to go through a terrib le time. There will be th ree days’ u tte r d ark ­ ness in th a t year, and winds will be laden w ith pestilence. This w ill, she says, be th e cause of countless deaths. These utterances are, perhaps, inspired by Satan, who is often found try ing to anticipate events allowed of God. “We have the sure word of prophecy as a light shining in a dark place.” W hat About Napoleon Dynasty? The late Rev. M. Baxter held th a t in th e last years of th is dispensation a new Napoleon would arise in France, and be the Antichrist. There are some who contend th a t this has now become an impossibility, b u t a t any ra te the following paragraph which has gone the round of the press is worthy of note:

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