King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


“Mr. Jerom e Napoleon Bonaparte, who, it is reported from New York, has been invited to ascend th e throne of Albania, is a great-grandson of Napoleon’s b roth­ er, Jerome, whose first w ife was an American lady, H iss P atterson. This m arriage, of which th e only child was Mr. Jerom e, Bonaparte’s grand father, was dissolved by Napoleon, and Prince Jerom e retu rned from America to m arry th e Princess of W urtem burg and be­ come King of Westphalia. Napoleon ex­ cluded P rince Jerom e and his descend­ ants from th e succession to th e French throne, b a t they were restored to the line of succession by th e ‘Senatus-Con- su ltu s’ of 1870, and th e p resen t French ‘P retend er’, P rince Victor Napoleon, is a grandson of P rince Jerom e by his second m arriage, and a step-cousin of Mr. Jerom e Bonaparte’s fath er, who is a prom inent American lawyer, and was A ttorney-General in Mr. Roosevelt’s cabinet.” Smyrna’s T ribulation and Poverty. Regarding Smyrna, th e ancient Bible city, Rev. Chas. W aeh ltesay s: “ Smyrna, a cify of a qu arter of a m illion people, lies in ruins and ashes, and multitudes of professed Christians have been m ar­ tyred by th e in fu riated Turks. Smyrna has more th a n once been th e scene of tribu lation and martyrdom , so much so th a t since th e days of th e Apostle John, th e very word Smyrna has been looked upon as a symbol of tribulation. “A few weeks ago, before th is h o rri­ ble massacre, Enxophon Moschou, pas­ to r of th e Greek Evangelical congrega­ tion, a t Smyrna, sent a pleading tele­ g ram to th e Council of th e World’s Evangelical Alliance, beseeching m inis­ te rs to pray for them , and do some­ th ing to deliver them from th e Turks. “We wonder how many of th e Chris­ tians who recently were m artyred in Smyrna, tu rn ed th e ir dying thoughts to Revelation 2:8-11: ‘And unto the angel

of th e church in Smyrna w rite; These things saith th e F irs t and the L ast which was dead, and is alive; I know thy works, and tribu lation and poverty . . . F ear none of those things which thou sh alt suffer; behold, th e Devil shall cast some of you into prison, th a t ye may be tried , and ye shall h av e trib u la­ tion ten days: be thou faith fu l unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life’.” W ill Babylon Be R ebu ilt? Rev. F. E. Marsh, the noted prophetic stud en t, says: “There is no doubt Mesopotamia will play an im portant p a rt in th e n ear fu tu re, and not least among th e p a rt will be th e rebuilding of th e City of Babylon. There are two Babylons spoken of in Revelation 17 and 18. In th e form er chapter Babylon is described as ‘mystical,’ and therefore it m u st be taken in a symbolical sense. The woman, or mystical Babylon, rep re­ sents a co rrup t system of religion. Some would lim it it to Romanism ; but, as Seiss says, more th a n an evil system is m eant: ‘This woman is organized anti- Church, is pseudo-Church, th e bride made out of Satan, th e universal body of, and congregation of, false believers and false worshippers.’ “As proof th a t Babylon will be rebuilt, le t us ponder the prophecies of Isaiah 13 and 14. There are certain things said of Babylon which have never been fulfilled, th erefo re m u st apply to a fu tu re rebu ilt city. “ 1. The land of th e Chaldeans has never been w ithout inhabitants, as it says it will be in (1 3 :2 0 ). “ 2. Babylon has never been de­ stroyed, as Sodom and Gomorrah were (1 3 :1 9 ). “ 3. The tim e when th e City of Baby­ lon will be destroyed has not come, for it will tak e place ‘in th e day of the Lord’ (1 3 :6 ). "4. The physical phenomena in the

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