King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S “ 7. A tim e of blessing to Israel and th e whole earth is prom ised afte r the overthrow of Babylon: ‘Jehovah will yet choose Israel, and set them in th e ir own land . . . it shall come to pass in th a t day the Lord shall give thee rest . . . th e whole ea rth is a t rest, and is quiet: they b reak fo rth into singing’ (14:1-3, 7 ). “The above will suffice to show th a t a rebu ilt city must be in existence be­ fore any of these things can come to pass. W atch th e record of events, and see how th e hand of th e Divine is ful­ filling His purpose.” M So his good deeds were placed w ith him on th e scales. They added nothing to his weight. The scroll—was the heavier. “Found w anting,” came from the voice again. The man was led away. Still ano ther stepped upon th e scales and the scroll was placed on the opposite side. One who seemed to be an accuser, now spoke, “Place his sins over against him ,” the accuser cried. And his sins were placed alongside th e scroll. And his sins were many. And now the scales were set. The beam trembled. The man upon th e scales looked up. Above him shone a cross, and upon the cross th e Son of Man. A drop of blood fell from the pierced hand. It fell upon th e man in the balances. The load of sins dis­ appeared from the opposite scale. The scroll of th e law was made whole and showed no stains upon it. The beam moved. The blood out­ weighed all. And again the voice cried out,— “Accepted in th e Beloved.” ' T. T. HOLLOWAY. GET BUSY TODAY! A $350.00

138 heavens were not seen in th e Persian overthrow of Babylon, th erefo re the prophecy about th e constellations must have a fu tu re application (1 3 :1 0 ). “ 5. The statem ents th a t th e ‘A rabian shall not pitch his te n t’ on th e site of Babylon, nor ‘the shepherds make th e ir fold th e re ’ (1 3 :2 0 ), have not come to pass, for these may be seen today. “ 6. The King of Babylon, described as ‘the oppressor’ (1 4 :4 ), ‘th e wicked’ (1 4 :5 ), and the incarnation of Satan (14:12-1.7), has not y et arisen ; th e re ­ fore th e title' ‘The King of Babylon’ m ust be restored, and, th a t can only be w ith a rebu ilt city. a » a s GOD’S BALANCES I dreamed a dream, th a t was more th a n a dream , perchance a vision. A pair of scales stood before me, upheld, as it were, by some m ighty, unseen hand. I was aware of the presence of a com­ panion, a friend. To th is companion I tu rned and asked: “ F o r w hat purpose are these balan­ ces?” “To weigh hum an souls,” he replied. Then I beheld, standing upon one side of th e balances, th e form of a man. His soul was to be Weighed. Another un­ seen hand placed a scroll in th e opposite scale. I asked my companion the meaning of the scroll. “ It is the word of th e law of God,” he said. And it was covered w ith ren ts and stains. The balances moved. The jveight of the scroll was th e greater. A voice uttered ,— “Found w anting.” The man was led away in sorrow. Another stepped upon the balances w ith an a ir of confidence. The unseen hand placed th e scroll in th e opposite scale. Again th e scroll went down. “Hold,” cried th e man, “you have not weighed my good deeds.”

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