King's Business - 1923-02

OUR SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST Who Will Get the $ 3 5 0 . 0 0 Scholarship? YOU MUST DECIDE! As stated in the Ja n u ary issue,— of th e many suggestions offered to us fcy in­ terested subscribers fo r increasing the circulation of THE KING’S BUSINESS to 100,000, the th ree which seemed to the committee to possess th e g reatest m erit were as follows: 1 FIRST: A SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST. SECOND: A LOYALTY CLUB. THIRD: A KING’S BUSINESS BIRTHDAY PARTY. Each of these th ree suggestions is em inently practicable and workable, and will be pu t into effective use, in th e order given. The SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST, of course, calls for imm ediate action in order th a t th e fo rtun ate individual who wins th is splendid rew ard may (if desired) en ter th e In stitu te a t the beginning of the F all Term, September 17th, 1923. DETAILS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST Three aw ards will be made. (1) A y ear’s scholarship in th e Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. This schol­ arship includes th e cost of room and board for the school year, from September 17th, 1923, u n til the last week in June, 1924, valued at ap­ proximately $350. There is, of course, no charge for tuition. (2 ) Choice of a Scholarship in a ll of th e Seven Correspondence Courses of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles; or a L ibrary of Books to the value of $30— books to be selected from Biola publications. (3) A lib rary of hooks to the value of $20, to be selected from Biola publi­ cations. (4) A rich rew ard will be conferred upon every one who engages in th is con­ test, and th a t will be th e joy of helping so many peoplte to become ac- • quainted w ith The K ing’s Business, and th e deeper joy which comes from hearing th e “Well done, good and faith fu l servan t.” RULES OF THE CON '"EST (1) At least 150 subscriptions m ust be l 3cured by th e contestant in order to win the F irs t Prize. If the highest number secured is less th a n 150 th e person securing same will be awarded th e Second Prize. In case of a tie, th e prize will be given to th e first person whose name was enrolled as a contestant. (2 ) P eriod Covered will be from Janu ary 1, 1923, to August 31, 1923. Subscriptions m ust be in The K ing’s Business office by th e close of business on A ugust 31, 1923, in order to be counted. (3) No Renewals will be counted, no prem ium s given, and no discount allowed— bu t every new subscription a t th e regu lar price of $1.00 will be credited as a vote for th e person designated. (4 ) The first nam e to reach us will be known as “No. 1,” the second “No. 2,” etc., and reports of progress will be given in the magazine from time to time. (5) Every subscription m u st b e plainly m arked as a “Vote fo r J -------------- J ------------- r in the Scholarship Contest” so th a t proper credit may be given in The K ing’s Business office. (6) Contestants must, of course be able to meet th e requirem ents as to education, Christian character, etc., necessary for enrollm ent as a stud en t in th e In stitu te. As soon as a name is entered, catalogue and application blank will be sent, th e application to be filled out and sent in to the In stitu te immediately, and th e applicant will be advised as to his or h er acceptance a t the earliest possible moment. $350.00 SCHOLARSHIP. (See Page 141)

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