King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

WHO MAY ENGAGE IN THIS CONTEST? Any Individual, Young People’s Society, Sunday School, Missionary Society, or sim ilar organization. If an individual decides to en ter the contest, he or she should a t once make the fact known, using th e telephone and postoffice to advise th e ir friends th a t every new $1.00 subscription which reaches The K ing’s Business office before the close of business A ugust 81, 1923, plainly marked as “Vote for J—---- ------ j _________ in Scholarship' Contest” will be credited to th e person thu s indicated. If a Young People’s Society, or sim ilar organization, is interested in some worthy young person who desires to secure train ing fo r Christian work the same general plan can be followed as in th e case of an individual contestant— such organization to notify The K ing’s Business office th a t they have nom inated J-------------- J 1----------- :— as th e ir candidate in th e contest, members of the organ! zation to use every effort to secure subscriptions for th e ir candidate. (Details as to th e form ation of th e “LOYALTY CLUB” and BIRTHDAY PARTY” will be given in later issues.) w h o : w i l l b e t h e f i r s t t o e n r o l l in t h e “S C H O L A R S H I P C O N T E S T ” ? prize “Know ye no t th a t they which run in a race, run all, b u t one receiveth the ? So run , th a t ye may obtain.” (1 Cor. 9:24.)

A USEFUL TRACT When fishermen get together, there are usually two topics of conversation, one, th e size and quality of the fish they have caught, and th e other, the bait used. In our work of following the Master as fishers of men, we need* different kinds of bait, different aspects of tru th and personal messages to reach th e in ­ dividual. The b ait th a t has been success­ ful in bringing ,th ree men to a definite decision was Mr. H orton’s little tract called “Come Unto Me,” a tra c t th a t is sweetly tend er and loving, in practically the words of scripture, and then w ith a space a t the end of th e tra c t in which th e names can be signed, showing definite acceptation of th e Lord Jesus Christ on th e term s mentioned. A fter a class, these th ree men, who had had th e ir h earts touched by the tru th , and who had no t yet come over the line, had these trac ts handed to them to read and pray over, w ith the resu lt th a t all were signed and th ree more souls added to th e Kingdom, to the glory of Our Lord. These tracts are splendid for giving out to Christians who are not used to doing personal work.

DR. FRENCH E . OLIVER Dr. Oliver, w ith his wife and daugh­ ter, sailed, recently for New Zealand, where he will conduct evangelistic serv­ ices for several months. We are sure th a t he will have a season of blessed service there, and commend him and his fam ily to our readers for th e ir prayers. A pastor, w riting from Minneapolis where Dr. Oliver held evangelistic meetings in October, gives the follow­ ing commendation concerning his work there: “I do no t th ink I have ever listened to 'an y o n e who is so clear in his pres­ entation of the tru th , nor so convincing in his argum ents. He certainly does strip the evolutionist of all his covering and leaves no ground for th e higher critics to stand on. He does not have any of the usual gymnastics which seem to belong to most of the modern evan­ gelists. If be should retu rn , he would have no trouble in getting a very large hearing. I hope th a t wie can arrange for a united effort on his retu rn from his to u r.”

HELL NOT SO FAR A sarcastic -young man, riding past an open-air meeting, scoffingly asked a Christian worker how far it was to Hell. The Christian replied, “P erhaps nearer th a n you th in k .” He tu rned a corner, his horse shied, and he fell to the ground dead (Gal. 6:7). WORK FOR THE $350.00 SCHOLARSHIP.

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