King's Business - 1923-02

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SEAMEN’S WORK C l a u d e P e a r s o n , S n p t.— O u r w o r k e r s b o a rd a ll v e s s e ls In th e p o r t o f S a n P e d ro ,


G o sp e l S e rv ic e s a n d D is tr ib u tin g L ite r a tu r e .

and how blessed of you to offer thalt good prayer in my room on th e S.S.— while in Wilm ington. I have also thanked God for same and will again th ank you; it warmed my old heart. And I th ank you for all the good read­ ing m atter you left w ith me. I gave th a t book to Mr. -------, first mate, as you requested.” F u rth e r on in the le tte r he says, “This will probably be my last voyage as my eyesight is failing and I feel old age coming on. This Sunday I will be seventy, so I expect to be called home to our blessed Savior before long.” Who knows b u t th a t we may all be caught- up soon, even, per­ haps, before this goes to print. F riends and readers, we publish these instances so you may get the personal touch. Our work is among young and old, foreign and native. This dear old man stands as a light-house on a rug ­ ged coast. He needed encouragement and prayer. Some need rebuke, others exhortation, bu t most all have never accepted Him as Lord and Master. This is our cry, “ B rethren, pray for us.” “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” a wonderful awakening afte r several years of faith fu l ■ sowing. The outdoor meetings held in the camp were attended by over fifty men, women and children and it was our privilege to accompany the students on one occasion when it seemed th a t th e whole camp came out to listen. A fter th e message and a few testimonies, we gave the invitation and had an inquiry meeting, explaining more definitely the way of salvation, after which five women and th irteen men ac. cepted th e Lord Jesus Christ as th eir personal Savior, How wo did rejoice.

I t is a g o o d th in g to g iv e th a n k s u n to th e L o rd a n d to s in g p ra is e s u n to th y n a m e , O m o s t H ig h .”

ETTERS and .cards received this month from men on the ships cause us to sing praises to God for all His blessings.

One young man from Japan w rites us, “Safely back to Jap an and in Tokio City now. I th ank you very much for your earnestness and faithfulness for our Lord Jesus. There is an English Bible Class in our Y, M. C. A., and I have many friends so Xwill introduce you to them all and w ant to continue the in ­ quiry and answers about faith and re ­ ligion.” This young man is only one of several hundred on th e boat th a t day. All received literatu re and many a p er­ sonal word. Who knows bu t w hat his testimony among his friends will lead them to know Him whom to know is life eternal! Here is p art of ano ther le tte r received. We hope you will overlook the personal reference and see only the cause we rep­ resent. “Dear Sir and B ro th er: So very often have I been thinking of you,

á¡fc áte. ¿aír isé ? Jai SPANISH WORK Robert H. Bender, Supt.— Gospel M eetings and House to House Work among 10,000 Mexicana in Los A ngeles a n d V icinity. áte.

"A n d w h e n h e h a th fo u n d it, h e Ia y e th i t o n h is s h o u ld e rs re jo ic in g a n d w h e n h e c o m e th h o m e , h e c a lle th to g e th e r h is f r ie n d s a n d n e ig h b o rs , s a y in g u n to th e m , R e jo ic e w ith m e, f o r I h a v e fo u n d m y s h e e p w h ic h w a s lo s t.”

E have chosen this Scripture because it expresses th e sen­ tim ent of our h ea rt and we desire th a t our prayer-helpers

shall also rejoice w ith us for the abun­ d an t fru it during th e past month. The students assigned to our departm ent have reported many conversions and in one camp especially God has given us

(See Page 141)

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