King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

giving God the glory for His blessing upon His Word. P erhaps some who read th is may be inclined to doubt the sincerity of these converts, hu t wherever we have con­ verts our custom is to form Bible classes and give them instruction in th e Bihle, so we announced th a t we would come down on F riday evening and have a Bible class. The first night, not only the converts gathered bu t several un ­ saved people, and ,crowded the little room, twenty-five being present. Week after week the little room is filled w ith those who wish to attend th e Bible class, thus proving the sincerity of these converts. One man on retu rn ing to his room told the other men who were gathered with one of the students th a t his con­ fidence was strengthened in the tru th of th e Bihle because of what he had heard in the Bihle class. Out of this group of converts there are two bright, young men who have had a vision and have heard the call, not only to confess Christ, but also to seek th e lost. One day one of them said to us, “ I wish you would go w ith me to -v isit a new camp where I have many friends and a brother. I want them to accept the Savior, too.” So he took a half day off from his work. We met him in the city and together we went to th is new camp where we found his b ro th er and friends, to whom we gave the message, afte r which he gave his testimony, pleading w ith them to accept the Savior. A couple of weeks la ter these two young men spent a whole Sunday morning with us, visiting this camp, doing personal

work and giving th e message to about forty men and a dozen families. As we left we invited them to attend our Bible class a t Biola H all on Main S treet on Wednesday evening, a t which tim e one of th e men came bringing his wife, daughter, a cousin and a negro. That evening we had a gathering of sixteen a t our Bible class. A fterward we ex­ tended an invitation to which th is man responded w ith his family and friend as well as th ree others, who accepted Christ as th e ir personal Savior. Surely th ere was rejoicing in heaven and for th is reason we are asking you who are prayer-helpers to rejoice w ith us. One Sunday we had several of the students come out to El Monte, these two young converts accompanying us, and a fte r we gave a message to about forty men a t the outdoor meeting these two young men, bu t th ree months old in the Christian life, gave a wonderful testimony to this crowd of men. How we did rejoice to see th e ir grow th in grace! The Lord is blessing our little congregation th ere and th e believers are doing personal work among th e ir neighbors, th u s securing more people to attend our meetings, so we are en­ couraged to press the battle of th e Lord. Let me urge upon our friends more prayer for this work among th e Mex­ icans for we find th e sp irit of indiffer­ ence creeping in among them . Also the priests are inciting the people to oppose the work. Will you no t pray fo r these two young men th a t they may grow in grace, and th a t they may be led to give th e ir whole time to God’s service? Los Angeles where for th ree days he wandered around trying to kill tim e and see the sights. F inally he wound up before Biola H all where a particularly brigh t student was telling out th e story of redemption before a large crowd of interested men. He stood through the entire message, and when the second speaker, by his th rilling personal expe­ rience of his own salvation, continued to hold th e crowd he still remained rooted to the spot un til the invitation to a definite acceptance of the Lord Jesus was presented, when his hand a t once shot up. The h eart-to -heart interview which followed soon brought him to an

BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.—Our City Miaaion for Men in the center of Loa Angelea. Meetinga continuoua from 10 a. m. to 10 p, m. Noon-day P rayer Meeting.

MONG the many interesting in­ cidents which have crowded the past m onth’s testimony at Biola Hall, the one concerning

a well-to-do visitor from New York stands out most conspicuously. This man and God’s messenger were clearly drawn to each other for the m an’s sal­ vation through the Holy Spirit’s leading which brought joy to the servant and redounded to God’s glory. A business deal called the man from Minneapolis bu t the deal fell through and the man; instead of retu rn in g home, was constrained to purchase a ticket to

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