King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

He who is still in th e world convict­ ing men of th e sin of unbelief is always ready and w illing to use anyone who will bu t yield to Him for service. This was again brought home to us as one of our stud en ts was walking along Main S treet praying for the Holy Spirit to lead him to some needy soul. He ran into a young man who had been listen­ ing to th e Gospel message from Biola H all and, deeply convicted, was making a speedy get-away. In th e collision the sw ift contact spelled opportunity for the prepared messenger and opportunity means responsibility before Him who will rend er to everyone according to his works. -. The resu lt of th is abrupt encounter was m utual rejoicifig -when th e blessed decision for our Lord Jesus was finally made. “I know not how the Spirit moves, Convicting men of sin; Revealing Jesus th rough the Word, C reating faith in Him. “But I know Whom I have believed, And am persuaded th a t He is able To keep th a t which I have committed. Unto Him, against th a t day.” and on disclosing her intended visit, met th e response th at, “Oh yes, I know what you want. I t is no use for you to call Mr -you can’t convert me. I don’t want you nor your Christ.” F earing no opportunity would be given of visiting th is home, the worker dealt personally w ith her over th e tele­ phone w ith th e resu lt th a t enough in­ te re st was aroused to secure th e desired interview . Though she was told she would ho t be- thrown out, yet it was made clear th a t she was n o t w anted at- all. The Jew ish P rayer Circle friends and many others made this little Jewess an object of earnest prayer and when the visit was paid, th e worker was met w ith an apology for the way she had been trea ted over the phone. Opportunity was offered for th e worker to give the reasons why she, a Jewess, came to ac­ cept Jesus Christ as her Messiah, and as she spoke, the Spirit of God moved on th e h ea rt of th is antagonistic Jewess. A t a gathering of Gentile and Jewish

intelligent assurance of his salvation, as th e Word of God was presented. The man’s prayer was touching in its sweet hum ility. “O God, I don’t know how to ta lk your language. I t’s all so new to me, b u t X do open my whole h ea rt to you. Come in and teach me, blessed Lord, to understand th is Book, th a t I may get b etter acquainted w ith your Son who loved me enough to. die for all my sins.” This was the prayer couched in hesitant, stammering words. The th rill which w ent th rough th e ser­ v an t carried him on a high wave of blessing all th e way home th a t night. He had hesitated about going down to Biola H all on th a t p articu lar evening, and in leaving home had especially prayed th a t God would manifest His grace in his obedience to th e clear call to service by a tru e love token. Truly, “ God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love which ye have showed toward His nam e.” A sim ilar experience had come to th is same worker the previous week. Can we say th a t th e experience of Philip and th e E thiopian differed from th e Holy Spirit’s leading in our own day, afte r hearing th is incident in Los Angeles, in th e year of our Lord, 1922? ZEKIEL, th e prophet of old, was instructed to carry God’s message of repentance to his own people Israel, a,nd to be faith fu l in delivering it, “w hether they would h ear or w hether they would fo r­ bear.” The following incident is an illu stra­ tion of the wisdom of so doing: One of our Hebrew -Christian work­ ers was asked to call on a certain Jew ­ ess who had m arried a Gentile Christian. So opposed to Christianity was th is little Jewess th a t she would not perm it her Christian husband to even bring a Bible into the house, and he, not being in­ structed in th e Word of God, yielded to h^r for th e sake of peace in the home. Shq insisted on th e ir oldest boy being circumcised., partly to please h er strict orthodox Jewish mother and p artly to please herself, for as she pu t it,'-'her m other’s religion was good enough for her. The worker, preparato ry to visit­ ing th is home, called on the telephone,

WORK AMONG THE JEWS James A. Vaus, Supt.— Bible C lasses a n d P ersonal W ork, S treet M eetings a n d Sem i-M onthly M ass M eetings to r Jew s of Cos A ngeles.

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