King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


ish mother, who told her to “throw out these m issionaries w ith th e ir Christ,” while it delayed h e r decision, could not avail to prevent it entirely and not long after, th is little Jewess “ found H im of whom Moses in th e Law and th e Proph­ ets did w rite,” Jesu s of N azareth, the K ing of th e Jews. She is like P aul of old, fired w ith zeal for the conversion of her relatives and acquaintances; has made preparations to be baptized and join th e Church. W itnessing “whether they would h ear or whether they would fo rbear” resulted in the conversion of this tempestuous little Jewess. The E te ri Clubs The first E teri Clubs were organized one year ago a t P asadena and Redondo Beachr There are now eight of - these clubs, located a t Pomona, Pasadena, Riverside, Sunnyside, Ocean P ark , Re­ dondo Beach, Long Beach and Hermosa. ¡Some of th e Club girls had been pray­ ing for a long while th a t a Club m ight be organized a t one of th e beach towns. At last, convinced th a t God would use her to help answer h er own prayers, one of th e girls went down to spend the week end a t the Beach; interviewed the Pastor, Official Board, and young people and came home w ith all arrangem ents made for the first meeting. The same girl, w ith th e help of one from another Club, went down, week after week, to get th e supper. The other Clubs, eager to help, joined them , one evening rep re­ sentatives from four different Clubs pre­ paring th e meal. The local girls could not understand th e ir willingness to go to so much trouble for them un til they heard th e ir ringing testimonies and knew they so loved th e Lord th a t they were eager for any kind of service for Him. One of God’s own asked the priv­ ilege of coming to wash the dishes each week as it was a service few would care for. She comes faithfully, week after week, and one look into h er face all rad ia n t w ith joy in serving Him in the quiet place, hushes th e h eart w ith the sweet consciousness of the humblest tasks made glorious when done for Him. Many girls are reached by these Clubs whom th e Church or ordinary class can­ not reach. L ittle or nothing is said in

Christian friends in the home, th is Jew ­ ess heard and was deeply impressed by the testimonies of two Hebrew-Chris- tian s present and as she le ft she said she was not going to listen to h er people any longer, as they sought to w arn her against Christianity. On different oc­ casions the worker had telephone con­ versations th a t God seemed to greatly use.. Later, visits were made in com­ pany w ith another Hebrew-Christian worker who gave added testimony. Many Jew ish objections were offered and the Scriptures searched concerning th eir teaching of Messiah. The opposition of her Orthodox Jew ­

^¡4. j>'4- m 3ts aa» ga» BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mrs. Lyman Stew art, Supt.—Twenty-five Women Giving Full Time to House to House Personal Work, Bible Classes, and Soul Winning Clubs.

YOUNG m arried woman whose belief in th e power of prayer had been growing as her in ­ terest in Bible study increased,

found herself burdened one day recently w ith the conviction th a t she must pray for h er fath er who, she knew, was away from home on a short journey. Believ­ ing her fath er to be a good, faithful Christian, th e though t .came; “Why should I pray especially for h im ?” But she went to h er knees asking God to give help in whatever way it was most needed. Not long afterw ard th e fath e r re­ tu rn ed and related to his daughter this incident: ‘‘A few days ago as I was driving across the desert, a deep sense of sin came over me. The fact th a t I had long been a professing Christian brought me no com fort; I was over­ whelmed w ith the fact of sin in my life. Certain habits in which I was indulging stood out before me and I became very m iserable. W hen I could endure it no longer I stopped, and kneeling upon the sand of th e desert, w ith tears pouring like rain over my face, I bowed before God and sought ’His forgiveness. I then yielded my whole life to Him and Oh, w hat peace filled my sou l!” When th e daughter, upon inquiry, learned th a t th is had taken place a t the Very tim e she had been driven to her knees to pray in behalf of her father, h er own soul was filled w ith joy and gladness th a t God had been pleased to use her as His helper in th is wonderful work of bringing a life in full surrender to Himself.

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