King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S the meetings about worldly amusements but a positive Gospel message is given and as the girls get a vision of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit speaks to their h earts of a life clean and emptied of self; battles are fought, battles known only to the individual and God,-perhaps, but very real battles ju st th e same and one hy one they are coming, laying upon God’s a lta r th eir habits, th e ir friends, th e ir recreation and th e ir lives to be under His control. A young woman quietly accepted Christ as her Savior one evening during an E teri Club meeting but did not make a public confession of Him un til several weeks la ter when, a t the invitation of one of the pastors of the town; she joined the church. W ith th e public con­ fession of Christ, she became radiantly R - ^ g n R I E N D S who are in terested ip. [awBiSgj th e work of th e Shop Depart- Bl KS tom I ment and who are praying for it, will rejoice to know th a t la YaWffil God has marvellously blessed us in th e work th is year. Never have we had such fine meet­ ings and such splendid results. True, th e re have been barriers and obstacles which seemed insurmountable, b u t He has accomplished th e impossible. As a means to an end, we have tak en over more of th e visiting work, getting ac­ quainted w ith th e men and th eir fam ­ ilies, in tim e of sickness or death. This has opened a large door of utteran ce for th e Gospel. Only la st week came a message from a man who was ill w ith pneumonia. He has twelve children who were quaran­ tined w ith scarlet fever. This was one of our opportunities to help in a very practical way. P ray th a t it may mean th e conversion of th is dear fellow w ith his family. Several very needy fam i­ lies are on our list and we are pray­ ing th a t God will send us some friends who will help us take care of those who are most worthy. Yesterday we drove to one of our shops. As th e music commenced the men came and soon we had a splendid group listening to th e service. As the message was being given, we noticed a man sitting off a little way from the others, seemingly very much interested. He was a big, fine looking fellow, ap­

147 happy, eager to testify of His goodness, earnest in seeking opportunities for ser­ vice. Testings came. One was in regard to tithing. The subject was presented a t one of the E teri meetings and she went home prom ising God she would give her ten th , beginning th a t week. When she counted her income for the week, she found she had ju st enough to pay h er ren t, which was due the next day. It was a hard te st for a babe in Christ, bu t Christ gave the victory. The ren t was paid a few days later. L ater it was learned th a t she was giving nearly half of the entire .amount of the Cluh’s allotm ent toward th e salary of Grace Pike, One of E te ri’s ch arter mem­ bers, who is the Club’s representative in China, being supported by the Lyceum and two of the E teri Clubs. parently about 35 years of age. A t the close jof th e service he was approached about th e m a tte r of his personal salva­ tion. “No, he-h adn ’t accepted Jesus as yet, b u t he knew it was w hat he should do.” Then and th ere th e Word was opened to him, show ing him th a t God was waiting, th a t He had w arned him against delay, th erefo re he should come and settle it NOW. A moment passed and th e re was no move. A few sec­ onds more and a big hand shot ou t and grasped the w orker’s and he said, “ 1 w ill.” P raise God th a t is all th a t is necessary (John 1 :1 2 ). Events like these make us move on w ith our faces shining, praising God for all who have a share in th is g reat work. It is worth while for it is th e work He has given us to do. P ray ye, therefore, th a t th e Lord of th e H arvest may th ru st fo rth more laborers into the harvest. T ruly th e harvest is great bu t th e labor­ ers are few. P ra y ye— Luke 10:2. Go ye—Matt. 28:19, 20. Give ye. giiiHiiiuiiiiiiiniiHnuitHiiiiiiiiniiuHmiiiiiiiiiii|iiiiHi{iimjiiiiii)iiiiiHuiiiiiiHiiiiiuim!iiiiiiiiiinmiiiui^ | Circulate the K. B. | Pass on your copies to § others. Subscribe for Chris- § tian workers who would be 1 helped. Give a lift on our | missionary fund. ?iill!lililltlllllilllf|||||||jj||tj||||j||||||f|||||j||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||j||||||||||||||||j||||||||j|j,||||j|,j||||i|^^

^ §& WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H , Reynolds, Supt.—Meetings held in shops, factories, car-barns and fire engine houses in Los Angeles.

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