King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

BIOLA CLUB OF PASADENA E lw ood P . L y o n , S u p t . — O u r c e n te r f o r B ib le C la ss e s , E v a n g e lis tic S e rv ic e s a n d P e r s o n a l W o rk in th e h e a r t o f th e C ity o f P a s a d e n a .

the assurance th a t she will soon be “ at home’* w ith Him forever. A young man came into the Club and told us of his troubles. His was one of those “w ar-time m arriages” and had resu ited unhappily as so many of them did. A baby came into th e home while he was away in France, which he re­ fused to acknowledge, and he said he would kill th e “ other man” . We told him th a t w hat he needed was to accept Christ and, praise God! he did, though le had come in w ith murderous thoughts in his h eart. We prayed w ith him for his "wife and in th ree or four days she came back to him, he forgave her, and they are now happy in a reun ited home. These are a few of th e incidents which show th e so rt of work th a t is being done every week a t Biola Club. as if Revival had come. There have been many avenues th rough which it has begun to come.' Men and women who have toiled in th e church and the mission, through good and bad report, are noyy seeing th e harv est gathered in. No one will dispute th a t th e principal factor in th is movement under th e Holy Ghost has been th e Rev. W. P. Nichol­ son. F o r over two years he has had Revival a fte r Revival in th e principal towns of U lster, and to-day in all these towns th ere are hundreds of men and women now carrying on aggressive and soul-saving work, while large numbers of Christian Endeavour and other so­ cieties have been formed. Churches have received large additions into com­ munion. One P resbyterian church

RETURNED m issionary from China visited Biola Club re­ cently, and in the course of conversation spoke of the changed conditions in Chi­

na, especially in regard to belief in the fundam ental doctrines. She said th a t she w anted to b e tte r fit herself to win souls and was intending to tak e up Mr. H orton’s Correspondence Course in Per- • sonal Work. ^One of our workers m et a poor, un­ fo rtun ate girl who said, “Nobody cares for me” . We took h er into our home and she stayed about th ree days, dur­ ing which tim e she accepted Jesus Christ as her own personal Saviour. , She is in th e Pasadena Hospital now, dying, bu t how we praise God th a t she was led to Christ in tim e and th a t she has

^¡4. ^¡4. ^¡4. gte ate ate WILLIAM P. NICHOLSON’S WORK

HE “Life of F a ith ” continues to give th e most inspiring ac­ counts of th e evangelistic cam­ paign which is being conduc­

ted in Ireland by Evangelist W. P. Nicholson. We are rep rin ting a recent article for the benefit of K ing’s Business readers: “There arose no small stir about th a t way.” , Thus the w riter of the Acts of th e Apostles describes the effect of P au l’s mission to Ephesus. T hat h is­ torical event is being repeated now in this so much talked of city in Ireland. Politics, th a t tak e up so much tirhe and ta lk in th e ordinary course of things, are being outclassed altogether, and the man in the stree t has begun to ta lk about a more im portant subject, one th a t has always been im portant but much neglected, and th a t the salvation of the soul. It m atters no t where you go at present, you cannot evade the discussion on th is delightful topic. The tram and train , the office and foundry, shipyard or on the street, everywhere men and women are joining in the stir. The newspaper, too, gives columns of m atter on the subject. No one has ever quite seen it like th is before; even th e oldest Gospel w arriors say th a t it surpasses in some ways “ 59.” W hat the end of it will be none can tell, bu t it does look

which united in the la st mission held in th e Cripples’ In stitu te has already welcomed 300 converts on to its church roll. Another P resbyterian church th a t was talked of as having possibly to close down, has now a weekly prayer meeting w ith 300 of an attendance. Such facts are surely a proof th a t God is working. The “ stir,” though, is per­ haps more on account of th e damage done in ano th er way to the enemy. The evangelist himself has publicly stated th a t as a resu lt of th e g reat mission in L isburn last w inter th ere were 400 tons less “booze” carted into th e town. YOU CAN SEND HIM or HER FROM

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