King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


O thers who live on the fool and his pence have been badly hit, and they also are joining in the “ stir.” The Pharisee, too, who prided h im self' in saying th a t he was “not as other men,” and needed no change of heart, has also been found out, and joins in the “stir.” A genuine Revival, as of old, finds out “ who’s who.” . The tide is still rising, and every­ where th e evangelist goes the building, no m atter'how large, is soon packed out. F o r th e last th ree weeks Rosemary S treet P resbyterian Church has been the centre, and night afte r n igh t th a t g reat meeting house has been jammed w ith eager throngs of-people who hang' on th e words of th e preacher. Convic­ tion an a terro r, and a ready desire to "flee from the w rath to come,” have been evidenced by the quick response oftentimes of the individual to rise in th e crowded gathering and say “ I w ill” to Christ. It has been an easy th ing in th e enquiry room afterw ards to deal w ith such cases.. A large number have boldly come out on the Lord’s side, and these have received help and counsel from a band of willing workers, who have earnestly sought to point them in th e way. children living near her, many of them having no religious instruction. She opened h er little home every Saturday afternoon for a Bible class and taugh t th e little ones verses of Scripture, songs and Bible stories. I went there many tim es and it was a joy to hear the little children offer prayer and real testimony. They prayed th a t another class m ight be started . Soon afte r a friend to whom she spoke of th is class and its wonderful work, also opened h er home once a week on F riday afterV noons, and th e second, or “Dayton Ave­ nue Class,” was organized. We sim­ ply went out on th e stree t and asked the children to come into our “Bible Story H our,” and they came. How th e W ork Began Not long afte r a lady living in a beautiful mansion opened h er home to 1921, a member of the i of th e Open Door in ingeles, Calif., felt a in terest in th e little

Following on a week’s rest, th e evan­ gelist is beginning another great mission in St. Enoch’s P resbyterian Church, where some twenty churches and mis­ sions have united. P ray er is asked for blessing to continue on this movement, and th a t His chosen messenger may he anointed w ith “ fresh oil” as he goes forw ard in His-Name. Mr. Nicholson, in a personal le tte r to the editor of The K ing’s Business, gives some in teresting item s concerning his work. He say s: “ I am in th e m idst of the fight again. W hat a tim e we are having. We seat some 1700, hu t are crowded out night after night. L ast n igh t they Say over 2000 tu rn ed away.- But, b etter still, hundreds are coming rig h t out for the Lord. About 1000 have already decided since th e mission started . Oh,‘ for FLOODS!” Mr. Nicholson’s original leave of ab­ sence was for one year, and it has been extended to th ree because of the urgent demand of th e Committee in Ireland where th e need is so great. It has now been definitely decided th a t Mr. Nichol­ son will re tu rn to America next summer, and we are looking forw ard to his coming w ith much anticipation. a » the children on Thursday afternoons. Then we were able to sta rt a class of children in our own home every Tues­ day afternoon. Mr. Johnson, super­ intendent of our Sunday School, vis­ ited some of these, classes and caught a vision of g reat things to be accom­ plished th rough th is opportunity for reaching the children w ith the \ Bible during th e week. Believing th a t what could be done in a few homes, could he done widely in many homes— if the work could be properly organized— and extended to every district of this g reat metropolis, he secured Miss Berta Dyer as • Superintendent of the Hdme Classes, and the co-operation of the students of the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles as teachers. W h at A re These Home Classes?, Simply a gathering of th e boys and girls of certain districts, afte r school hours, into Christian homes, for an hou r’s Bible study, w ith story, prayer, and song, and th e children like it. The Bible is made in teresting and attrac-


YOUR CHURCH. (See Page 141)

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