King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


th e devil only by having God’s Word hid in th e ir hearts. As one little one said: “ I was going to do something naughty, th en I remembered a Bible verse and I did no t do it.” Many of th e children have no help or teaching a t home, bu t they will gladly come to these little classes, and once they receive th e Lord as th eir Saviour and guide, He will help them . There is th e g reatest need and th e most wonderful opportunity. If we can save th e children, we can save th e .m e n and women of th e future. They are easily reached, and th e ir h earts are open to th e message. God has greatly blessed th is work and it "has been growing rap ­ idly. Over a hundred and i twenty classes have been organized in only a few months, w ith an attendance of over two thousand, and th e work is ju st be­ ginning. Think of th e power fo r good if every C hristian home in th is broad country could be opened to reach some of these little ones who are being lost! Think of th e more th a n two hundred thousand children in th is one City of Los Angeles! Where are they out of school hours? On th e streets and in th e movie shows. The press reports over 500 runaway boys and girls in th is city during th ree months! I t also re­ ports nearly one thousand suicides of boys and girls, up to fou rteen years of age, during th e la st year in th e United States! - - If w e ' can give these children th e Gospel in these Home Classes, thou ­ sands may be saved from sin, shame and ruin. Is it worth while? Let every Christian awaken to th e opportunity! There is work for you to d o ! REV. E. W. THWING

tive. They are memorizing thousands of verses, beginning w ith th e A B C of th e Gospel. They are hearing some of th e most wonderful stories of th e Gos­ pel of John. They are learning th e plan of salvation through th e blood of Jesus Christ. They are learning to sing some of the good, old songs of the Gospel, and how the children do love to sing* One child said th a t when she could not sleep a t night, she ju st re ­ membered the songs she had learned a t th e Home Class, and th a t helped her. One little girl, when her mother gave h er th e choice of going to our class or to the movie show, said: “ I would ra th e r go to th e Home Class.” The children in these classes range generally from six to fifteen years of age. The best way to reach them, when a class is to be organized, is to w ait n ear a school and hand th e chil­ dren invitation cards giving the place and hour, telling them to go home at once and ask th e ir mothers if they may come. It is not difficult to secure a dozen or two th e first tim e and new members for th e class can be found every week, though of course, some drop out from tim e to time. In any city or town in the United States this Week Day Home Bible Class method can be carried out and th e children given the Gospel. W hat Does I t Jfean? Can anyone estim ate th e value of having these children come to know Jesus in these Home Classes? These are perilous times for our yourfe people. P itfalls and snares are open on every side for th e boys and girls. They need a streng th beyond th e ir own to be able to escape. They can meet th e wiles of

What Shall I Do 9 With Jesus •

My Answer to the Great Question.


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