King's Business - 1923-02


THE NANYOH AUTUMN BIBLE CON­ FERENCE “Jehovah h ath done g reat things for us, whereof we are glad.” Psalm 126: 3. A. R. V.

seating six hundred men and so a r­ ranged th a t no one will be more th an th irty feet from th e speaker, and a residence for foreign teachers. God’s P rotection It is a wonderful fact th a t in all these years th ere has never been a death amongst all th e hundreds of men a t­ tending the Conference and this year in spite of war conditions in some quarters, both in traveling and a t Nanyoh, we again praise God for protection from dangerous illness and accident. On the hum an side much of this preservation in health is due to the daily clinic which Dr. K eller conducts and where every kind of aliment is treated . F o r the first days of th e Conference th e clinic lasted fo r a couple of hours and about forty men were trea ted daily. As the second week came on and th e good food and mountain air began to tell, the numbers decreased. I t was a joy to see the men, relieved of pains, in tern al and external, gratefully entering into the life of the Conference. ' It is encouraging to see the healthy activity of the younger delegates as they climb the hills or throw themselves into the sports of volley-ball or basketball or enjoy a swim in one of th e finest swim­ m ing pools imaginable. We have a beautiful stream of w ater flowing th rough our land, which, dammed back, has made a deep, long tank, abundantly supplied w ith fresh mountain water. Nanyoh has a swimming pool which m ight well be th e envy of some of the large summer resorts of China. D ining Room Scene Now tak e ju st a glance into th a t g reat dining-room. The bell rings w ith a good deal more vigor th an seems necessary for most of th e men are w ait­ ing for the meal hour. In less time th an it takes to w rite the words, forty steam ing tables are surrounded by forty groups of eight. There is a call for the singing of grace and th e singing is- hearty, ju st as hearty as the appetites th a t are presently at work on the ample provisions. There are two huge tubs of rice and several smaller ones. The larg er ones can only be carried by fit­ ting them into a frame which is carried

E have said it often before and we repeat it w ith renewed thankfulness when we speak of God’s marvelous goodness

in th e m atter of the Nanyoh Autumn Bible Conference.' You who have been praying for months for these th ree weeks of meetings will rejoice w ith us, and you will be looking eagerly for th a t number of th e “K ing’s Business” which is to tell you some little p art of the doings of those full and happy days. A year ago we were in cramped, rented quarters. We do not despise th a t old ancestral hall where so many re­ ceived blessing in years gone by, but th is year th e re was a real need for something much larger, and as it is the F a th e r’s delight to supply the need of His children a wonderful provision has been made in one sho rt year. Our site nestles in th e foothills where hun­ dreds of pilgrim s daily pass on th e ir way to or from th e Sacred Mountain. On all sides are th e everlasting hills, yet we have only to take a few steps and we can look over miles of wonderful fer­ tility broken by red clay hillocks and scattered homes. R ight on our own estate we have an abundance of th e best of g ran ite aw l the finest kind of clay for the making of sun dried bricks, factors which make the erection of suitable buildings com­ paratively inexpensive. The buildings already occupied, though not quite finished, are two large dorm itories, the ground floor of one of which is the dining room, used also th is year for the auditorium , and the original farm house bought w ith th e estate and con­ verted into dorm itory and temporary foreign residence. L ater th is building will be partly used for adm inistrative purposes. The accommodations thus far provided are already overtaxed. The p lan t when completed is expected to include five dorm itories, counting the old farm house as one, an auditorium

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