King's Business - 1923-02

H O M I L E T I C A L H E L P S Suggestive Bible Readings


BIBLE BANNERS 1. The B anner of T ruth. Ps. 60:4; 20:5. 2. The B anner of Love. S. of Sol. 2:4. 3. The B anner of th e Cross. 1 Cor. 1 :18 ; 2 : 2 . 4. The B anner of Victory. Ps. 20:5 "will trium ph in th y V ictory.’*— R. V. 5. The Banner song of P raise and T riumph. Rev. 5 :9 ; 7:12. 6 . The Banner of th e Spirit against th e enemy. Isa. 59:19. 7. The Banners of the Redeemed. Rev. 7:9. — Jos. T. Larsen. THE JEW ISH QUESTION I. About th e People. . Rom. 11:1. “H ath God Cast Away Has People?" (a) Their greatness. Rom. 3:1. “W hat advantage hath th e Jew ?” ; (b) Their responsibility. Rom. 10:19. “Did no t Israel know?” (c) Their position. Acts 1:6. “W ilt thou a t th is tim e resto re th e kingdom of Isra el?” (d ) Their desire. Isa. 21:11. “W hat of th e n ig h t?” H . About th e Throne. Matt. 2:2. “Where is He th a t is born K ing of th e Jew s?” (a) Its re-establishment. Matt. 24:3. “W hat shall be th e sign of Thy com ing?”;!^ III. About th e Land.

PROBABLE ORDER OF EVENT'S Between th e P re sen t Time and the E te rn a l S tate I. — The present regime, characterized by the raising of the Church, and th e restrain ing of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2: 6-10). This dispensation may end soon. II. -—The first resu rrection and the rap tu re of th e Church (1 Thess. 4: 14-17). III. —The rise, th e reception, and the reign of th e A ntichrist (2 Thess. 2: 6 - 1 0 ) . IV. -—The R etu rn of our Lord w ith H is bride, bringing about th e ru in of the A ntichrist (Rev. 19:17-21). V. —-The re stra in t of Sa-tan— bouhd for a thousand years. The m illennial reign— th e ru le of th e rod of iron (Rev. 20 :1 -6 ). The resto ration of all things (Acts 3:21)'. VI. — The release of Satan (Rev. 20: 7). The rebellion against K ing Jesus (Rev. 2 0 :8 ). The ro u t of th e rebels— b attle of Gog and Magog (Rev. 20:9-1.0). VII. — Rejoicings in heaven and on earth, because Jesus now reigns. This is followed by th e etern al reign when Christ shall have delivered up th e K ing­ dom to H is F a th e r (1 Cor. 1 5 :2 4 ).— Sel. THINGS “OF GOD” 1. The Gospel of God.............. Rom. 1: 1 2. The Son ............... Rom. 1: 4 3. The Beloved ....:..................Rom. 1:10 4. The will .............................. Rom. 1:10 5. The p o w e r.............................Rom. 1:16 6 . The rig h te o u sn ess.............Rom. 1:17 7. The w r a t h ....... ..— ........... Rom. 1:18 8 . The g lo ry ...............................Rom. 1:23 9. The tru th ...............................Rom. 1:25 10. The ju d g m e n t....................Rom. 1:32 — H. K. D.

Deut. 29:24. “Wherefore h ath the Lord done th is unto the land ?” IV. About th e City. Je r. 13:27. “O Jerusalem ! W ilt thou not be made clean?” s—R. S. Beal. WHAT BETTER WORK CAN YOU DO THAN WORKING

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