King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


BINDING JESUS ' M ark 15:1 .

SECURITY 'OF THE BELIEVER in Jo h n ’s Gospel 1. S upernatural b irth— born of God, can’t be unborn of the devil— (1 :1 3 ; 3 :5 ; 5 :2 4 ) .' 2 . P resent possession of everlasting life— if one h as a life th a t may end, he has no t salvation (3:16, 18, 36). v 3. Immune from judgm ent as to standing (5 :2 4 ). 4. Salvation a tran saction between the F ath e r and Son— if once accom­ plished, cannot be undone ( 6 : 3 9 ; 1 7 : 9-10). 5. Sealed w ith the Holy Spirit forever (7:37-39; 14:17. See Eph. 1:13-14). 6 . Secured in an omnipotent grasp (10:27-29). 7. Guaranteed by an intercessor in heaven (17:9, 20). —K. L. B. THE CHRISTIAN AND “OLD THINGS” OLD SINS CANCELLED. 2 Pet. 1:9. OLD MAN QRUC IFIED . Rom. 6 : 6 . OLD THINGS Q EA SE TO PLEASE. B§ 2 Cor. 5:17. OLD LEAVEN /~>AST OUT. 1 Cor. 5:9. —K. L. B. * ^ “A man engaged passage on a coast steam er bound for Florida. He was in straitened circumstances and had but a small sum left when his ticket was paid' for. P a rt of th is he invested in crackers and cheese, thinking "the cabin fare too expensive for his lim ited means. A fter a while his crackers tasted flat and stale, and his cheese became hard and mouldy. To aggravate m atters he was obliged th ree times a day to inhale th e odors from the cook’s galley, and the delicious aromas drove him almost frantic. F i­ nally, when about a day’s sail from the port of destination, he grew desperate. Monthly Illustrations Living Below Our Privileges

1. By Unwillingness. Matt. 23:37. 2. By Unconcern. Rev. 3:20. 3. By Unreasonableness. Isa. 1:18. 4. By Uncleanness. 1 Cor. 3: 1, 2. 5. By Unyieldedness. Rom. 6:11-13.

Matt. 13:58. Mark 6:5, 6 . Matt. 17:20. Heb. 11:6. Rom. 14:23.

— R. S. Beal. SEVEN “IFS ” OF JESUS IN JOHN XIV Verse 1. “I f it w ere n o t so.” 2 A blessed assurance. 2. “I f I go and prepare a place” 3 A blessed home. 8 . “If ye h ad known me.” 7 Blessed knowledge. 4. “I f ye shall ask anything.” 14 A blessed promise. 5. “If ye love me.” 15 A blessed privilege. 6 . “If a m an love me.” , 23 Blessed communion. 7. “If ye loved me.” 28 Blessed prospect. — J. Meek. PRAYER IN THE BOOK OF JAMES (1) The Appeal, Chapter 1:1-5. “Let him ask.” (2) The Approach, Chapter 1:6. “Let him ask in FAITH .” (3) The Appetite, Chapter 4:1-8. a “Ye lu st and have no t.” vs. 2, 3 (fleshly). b “Subm it yourselves to God.” vs. 7, 8 (S p iritu al). (4) The Approval, Chapter 5:13-18. “Availeth much.” -—J. Wilson Brown.


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