King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

in the message?- W hether we are seek­ ing to lead our scholars to Christ and . build them up in the faith of God’s Word? Jesus knows H is own. He is th e Shepherd. Note how quietly He com-" mands Zaccheus to come down. I t will never do fo r men to look down on Him. They m ust look up to Him. So Jesus would say today to th e critical scholars, » “Come down from your lofty thoughts of self; come down from: your conde­ scending ways; com e1down and take your places as helpless, hopeless sinners a t my feet.” Here is a tru e picture of our Lord Jesús: “Seeking to save; seeking to m anifest to men His g ra c e .and power; seeking to save and bless; passing down through th e centuries, hands ou tstretch ­ ed to bless.” There were many rich men in Jericho, many beggars, bu t only two are re­ corded as waiting and willing to re­ spond to His invitation- (3) THE SELF-INVITED STRANGER, vs. 6, 7. “ I must abide in thy house.” How gladly Zaccheus came down and received his self-invited, guest; Perhaps he had thought, “How I would like to have th is man in my home, as Matthew did,” (Luke 5 :2 9 ), and th e Lord an ­ swered his unspoken desire (John 1:11, 12). He w ants to live in the h earts of His own, bu t how often He is an un­ known, unrecognized, unwelcome guest! How little we make of Him! “No room in the inn .” Jesus waits for no invitation from the sinner. He H imself gives th e invitation. He wants to come in, bu t how often the door is shu t and th e re is no response to th e knock or the call. W hat an honor for the poor, despised publican!- W h at a Guest! The World- C reator becomes th e friend and guest of sinners! Let us give Him the best seat, th e guest room, th e place of honor always.

Could Jesus be the promised Messiah? W hat a struggle in his soul! He was small of statu re. Jesus was leaving th e city. His opportunity would soon pass. How undignified to run ahead of the crowd and climb a tree! But a strange fascination controlled and compelled him and he ra n ahead, climbed a syco- more tree and sat on a limb. Do not fail to get th is picture of the soul-hungry man and remember th a t th ere are thousands of ju st' such weary, soul-sick men and women waiting to see ‘‘Christ in us, the hope of glory” -and to personally realize th a t He can fill the hungry soul w ith gladn,ess. W hat a strang e emotion m ust have swept over the sbul of Zaccheus as the procession stopped and Jesus looked up into his face and w ith his own eyes he saw th e m iracle-worker, th e F rien d of th e publicans and sinners! W hat thoughts passed through his mind, th ink you? Was th e re a hope in his b reast th a t in some way he m ight re­ ceive a blessing ere He passed by? (2 ) THE SAVIOR SEEKING TO SAVE THE SINNER, v. 5. “ Zaccheus, make haste and come down.” No one had to tell Jesus th a t a man was in the tree, th a t his name was Zac­ cheus and th a t he was a tax-gatherer. The purpose of His coming th rough J e r­ icho was to find th is sinner. , He knew when th e tree first sprouted from th e seed th a t some day He would find th is man in it, waiting for Him, and th a t He would pluck precious fru it from it. He knew w hat was going on in the h eart of Zaccheus ju st as He knew what was in the h ea rt of N athanael uh d er the fig tree (John 1:50, 51). Did He not see the man carrying th e p itch er of w ater? (Luke 22 :10 ). Did He no t read th e h earts of the Pharisees? Did He not know what was in th e h ea rt of every man? Does He not know today? Do we not know th a t we can never hide anything from Him? Does He not know when we teach whether our h earts are

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