King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S down? (Eccl. 9 :10 .). (6 ) Under w hat conditions will He abide In th e house of our hearts? (John 14:23.) (7 ) Did Jesus come to save P h a r­ isees o r sinners? (v. 10; 1 Tim. 1:15.) (8 ) How did Zaccheus prove his conversion? (Ex. 22:1-5; Prov. 6:3.) (9 ) W a s Zaccheus pronounced saved? (1 Cor. 5:9-11.) Zacchaeus sought to see Jesus and Jesu s sought to save Zacchaeus. How th e publican’s h e a rt must have swelled w ith joy and g ratitud e as th e g reat P rophet paused be- I)EVOTIONAli n e a t h th e tree, COMMENT looked up, and call- By F . W. F a r r ing him by name, announced th a t he would be a guest in his house! The glorious Messiah a guest of the exe­ crated publican! This is a faith fu l saying th a t Jesus Christ came into th e world to save sin­ ners. Deity and hum anity are both represented in Jesus, who is called Son of God and Son of Man. He is not re­ lated to th e angels b u t He is our kins- man-Redeemer.

(4 ) THE SEEKING SINNER SAVED, vs. 8-10. “This day is salvation come to th is house.” They said He had “ gone to he the guest of a sinner,” and it was tru e ; hut when He left, H e left th e house of a sain t; for “Zaccheus the sinner” had be­ come “Saint Zaccheus”— a son of Abra­ ham— by faith in Jesus Christ. (Rom. 4 :1 6 ). How do we know th a t Zaccheus was saved, th a t he had real sp iritu al sight? F irst, because he called Jesus “Lord” and no man can call Jesus “Lord” but by th e Holy Spirit. Second, he confess­ es Him before men. Third, he recog­ nizes Jesu s’ rig h t to his possessions'and gives h alf of his goods to th e poor a t once. This was a g reat test. I t is easier to sing, "O, how I love Je s u s ;” or "Jesus, I my cross have ta k e n ;” or “Surely th e Master can depend on me,” th an it is to seek some poor lost soul, or give a tithe, or discommode ourselves th e least b it for His glory. F o u rth , he made restitu tion in a four-fold measure. H ere is a wonderful illu stration of the new birth. A close-fisted Jew becomes a conscience-stricken sinner, a Christ- confessing saint, a cordial giver of goods to the poor and a conscientious resto rer of stolen goods. W hat g reater proof would you need of th e Deity of our Lord and of th e transform ing power of the Gospel th a n th is picture? W hat a day fo r th e sinner and for his home, and w h at a day for the Son of man! Zac­ cheus was the last recorded convert be­ fore th e crucifixion, except th e th ief on th e cross. (Acts 4 :1 2 ). QUESTIONS (1 ) Why did Zaccheus want to see • Jesus? (Mark 2:1.) (2 ) How can we make people want to see Him? (John 8 :28 ; 12:32.) (3 ) W hat other man had to be taken up to see Jesus? (Luke 5:19.) (4) Does Jesus see us when we are up a tree, or under a tree? (John 1:48.) (5 ) Why make haste and come

The m u ltitude murmured long and loud th a t th e Master should visit one whose calling was a symbol of th e n a­ tional degradation. The gracious words of Jesu s were more to Zacchaeus than th e jeers and in su lts of the crowd. He would strive to be more worthy of his glorious guest. Standing fo rth among them , he gave expression to th a t vow which as one unselfish act of magna­ n im ity a t th e same tim e dem onstrated his repentance and sealed his forgive­ ness. This sacrifice of th a t which had always been dearest to him, the public confession and restitu tion of all dishon­ est gain was an evidence to his Lord th a t H is grace had no t been in vain. Thus did love unseal and open th e foun­ tain s of penitence which contempt and scorn would have closed forever. No WORK FOR THE $350.00 SCHOLARSHIP.

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