King's Business - 1923-02

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S


er’s Com. The words “ to th is house” are evidently designed to meet th e taun t, “He is gone to lodge a t a sinner’s house.” The house, says Jesus, is no longer a sinner’s house. It is now a saved house, all meet fo r th e reception of Him who came to save.— Brown. F o r he is a son of Abraham . Both in de­ scent and character. This the Pharisees would have denied, for they ranked publicans w ith the heathen.—Dumme- low. Having. Jesu s F o r a Visitor. Luke 19:1-10. Memory Verse.-—“And he made haste, and came down, and received him joy­ fully.” Luke 19:6. Approach.— Boys, how many of you ever climbed a tree? Perhaps you ju st climbed for the fun of it, or may be you climbed to pick fru it, or you m ight have climbed up to see BEGINNERS over the hea,ds of a AND PRIMARY crowd of people. We Mabel L. M errill are to h ea r about a man who climbed a tree in our story today, and of course ,i t is ju st as interesting as it can be, to see what a grown-up man would climb a tree, for. P rayer. Lesson Story.— In our story last week we saw two men in the temple praying. Jesus told us this story to show us th a t we are all sinners and need to ask Him to forgive us, and to teach us th a t we must not ju st say words when we pray, but we must mean them in our hearts. In our story today Jesus is in a city by the name of Jericho. In th is same city lived a man by th e name .of Zaccheus, who was the chief man over all the tax collectors; he was rich. One day he saw a g reat crowd coming up the street, and ju st like us he wanted to know what it . was all about, bu t he was a little short man, and could not see. Then Zaccheus ran on ahead, and climbed up into a sycomore tree. ( “ Sycomore” [do not confound it w ith our American syca­ more] means “ fig mulberry,” fig from its fru it and mulberry from its leaf. It is in reality a kind of fig tree.— Pelou-

bosom of an avaricious publican? The, in ternal revolution was as perfect as in ­ stantaneous. “He spake' and it was done.”— Jam ieson. v. 7. Gone to be guest of a sinner. This accusation was though t to* reveal His earthliness. It is now seen to re ­ veal His glory. The Best desires to be the guest of the worst. He spreads His kindnesses for the outcast. He offers His friendship to th e exile. He loves to go to souls th a t have lost th e ir power of flight, like birds w ith broken wings who can only flutter in th e du st.-—Jow- ett. v. 8. H alf of my goods I will give. The genuineness of Zacchaeus’ conver­ sion was shown by the way. it affected his pocketbook. The love and power of Jesus transform ed th è hard-fisted ex­ to rtion er into an honest, large-hearted and self-forgetting saint.-—Torrey. If I have ta k en anything. The experience of Christ’s love convinces of sin far more thoroughly th an th reats. The frowns of society only make the wrong­ doer more h ard and merciless, but the touch of love melts him as a warm hand laid on snow. The sight of Jesus' re­ veals our unlikéness to Him and makes us long afte r some fain t resemblance to Him. Zacchaeus did not need Christ to bid him make restitu tion , nor show him the blackness of his life. He sees all the past in a new light.— Maclaren. Be." sto re fourfold. The Roman law req u ir­ ed this. The Jew ish law required but the principal and a fifth more. There was no demand made for either, bu t to testify the change he had experienced, besides rend ering the h alf of his gains to th e poor he voluntarily determ ines to give up all th a t was ill gotten, quad­ rupled,®-Brown. This, was th e re stitu ­ tion required of a sheep stealer (Ex. 22: 1).-—Comp. Bible: His dishonest ac­ quisitions added to his w ealth bu t sub­ tracted from his peace of mind.— Meyer. One particu lar and em inent fru it of tru e repentance is th e making satisfaction and restitu tion to those whom we have injured. As much as in us lies we should undo w hat we have done and unsin our sins.— Tillotson. A new man is this. In all th e purposes which he avows th ere is an a ir of honesty, a whole­ heartedness which proves th a t the change is thorough and worthy to be recorded.— Angus. v. 9. Salvation come to th is house. Meaning by salvation both Christ H im ­ self and the conversion of Zacchaeus which His words had w rought.— Speak­

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