King's Business - 1923-02


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

“ Every man’s work shall be made m an­ ifest for th e day shall declare it, for it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every m an’s work of what sort it is.” (1 Cor. 3 :1 3 ). Three classes appear, in th is scene. One servan t reports, “Your one pound has produced ten pounds.” The K ing’s comment is, “Well, thou good servant, thou h ast been faith fu l in very little, have au tho rity over ten cities.” He had been faith fu l in little things and is com­ mended and made a ruler. “ If we suf­ fer we shall also reign w ith H im ; if we deny Him, He also will deny us,” (2 Tim. 2 :1 2 ). The King is liberal to the ex­ treme. The second class is illu strated hy the servant whose pound had gained five pounds. He is not commended b u t is given au tho rity over five cities. He has not been so faith fu l in little things as the first servant. His whole soul was not in his Lord’s Service.% . The rewards are according to hoth quantity and qual­ ity of work. The th ird class represents those who are saved as by fire (works burned up ). The one pound gained goes to th e first servant. This man was a selfish, sordid Christian and represents a large class of church people who give bu t little and th a t grudgingly, always complaining and finding fault. God pity them! Not a lay a t His feet! The question for each believer to ask himself is, “W hat am I doing w ith the pound which has Jjeen given to m e?” The Intelligible Illu stratio n In Acts 17:1-4 we find P aul preaching a t Thessalonica the old Gospel of Christ crucified and risen. Many Jews and Greeks believed and formed an assem­ bly, and tu rn ing to 1 Thess. 1:5-10 we find th a t the members of this assembly commenced immediately to do business for th e ir King. The order of th e as­ sembly was: 1. Worship. They tu rn ed from

blessed book? How did we come to have it? Were not millions of lives laid down before we could have this treas­ ure? Are not many preachers and teach­ ers seeking to rob us of the treasu re comm itted to us? Are we not en tru sted w ith th e person of Christ as our Lord whom we are to present to the world as the Savior of sinners? Do we not possess th e blood which has efficacy to remove sin? Was th ere ever anything so precious, so sacred, confided to men; too precious for angels to traffic w ith; th e value of one soul—your soul. I t is a Safe Business. We need have no fear of th e results. His word shall not re tu rn unto Him void. You can go fo rth w ith the seed of th e Word. You may go fo rth weeping, but you shall re tu rn w ith joy. I t is a Satisfying Business. Money­ making brings cares and contentions. Place-seeking brings adversaries and antagonisms. Pleasure-seeking satiates bu t does not satisfy. No man or woman in th e K ing’s business need feel insig­ nificant because th e ir calling is high and holy and they are linked w ith the F ath e r, Son and Holy Spirit and identi­ fied w ith the heroes of faith in all the centuries. (3) THE EXTENT. The K ing’s business is world-Wide and age-long. W hat a field-for operation! Millions of customers waiting for the agents to show th eir goods. Open doors in every clime. Magnificent opportuni­ ties to do business for the King. Room for th e exercise of every gift. T erri­ tory for the development of all God- given talents. (4) THE END. The partnersh ip is lim ited. The noble­ man will retu rn . He will wind up the business. Swift as th e morning light will come His telegram to every agent calling for his presence and his report. The King comes and calls for His servants. The books are in His hands.

(See Page 141)

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