King's Business - 1923-02

177 help to mother who can tru st you to go to the store and do the buying, which is also a g ift to make you a good business man when you grow up. Now each one has a gift, and God wants us to use the gifts He has given us in the rig h t way. To help us learn this lesson Jesus told the story of a rich nobleman who went fa r away from home, and before leaving called ten of his servants and gave them a pound each, and told them to make good use of the money un til his return. Now of course th e servants did not know when the nobleman would retu rn . We do not know when Jesus will re­ tu rn , bu t He wants us to work for Him each day and use th e ta len ts He has given us. One day th e nobleman re­ tu rned home and called his servants together. The first one came and handed him the one pound w ith nine other pounds, making ten pounds in all. To this servant he said: “Well, thou good servant; because thou h ast been faith ­ ful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.” The nobleman knew he could tru st th is man to ru le over the ten cities, because he had proven faith ­ ful. Are we proving faith fu l so Jesu s can tru st us to do a g reater work for Him? (F inish the story, emphasizing th e fact th a t according to our faithful­ ness is th e rew ard.) The servant who did not use the pound to gain more is like people to, whom 'God has given a talen t, and who will not use it in work­ ing for Jeslus. If God has given us a voice we should use it to tell people of Jesus, ju st as R ichard did-, or to sing songs of praise. Let us always do as our memory verse tells us. “Be thou faith fu l.” d o s in g P rayer. Dear Lord Jesus, we th a n k Thee for our h ealth and strength, and may we be faith fu l in telling others of Thee as Saviour.

THE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S who,will not subm it to Christ the Cruci­ fied will be crushed by Christ th e King. Meekly now He stands a t the door and knocks. Then He comes as the ligh t­ ning comes.t—Arnot. W orking fo r Jesus. Luke 19:11-26. Memory Verse.— “Be thou faith fu l.” Rev. 2:10. Approach.— Ju st because we are little folks, we sometimes th ink th ere is not much we can do for Jesus. Now listen and I will tell you a tru e story about a little boy who lives BEGINNERS rig h t n ear my home. AND PRIMARY This little boy’s Mabel L. M errill name is R ichard and he loves Jesus, and one day he went out in the neighbor­ hood to invite the boys and girls and th e parents to Sunday School and church. He came to one home, and when the woman of the house opened th e door, she did no t look very happy, and told R ichard she did not w ant to go to church, and did not care anything about it. Now some of us would have failed here, bu t R ichard carried a little gospel of John in his pocket, ana’ he handed it to th e woman, and asked h er to read it if she would not come to church and h ear th e m inister read it. A fter Rich­ ard went away, th is woman did read th e gospel, and went to the church, and to ­ day she loves Jesus and the church, and is a member of th e church. R ichard worked for Jesus. Lesson Story.— In our beautiful story last week we saw w hat a g reat change came into Zaccheus, when Jesus came into his heart, so th is is a good tim e to sing our song, “ Since Jesus came into My H eart.” A fter Zaccheus knew Jesus as his Saviour, he wanted to do some­ thing to help, and o u r story today is about working for Jesus. . As you were singing I noticed what a splendid voice some have, which is a gift of God. O thers have a well, strong body, an ­ other wonderful g ift of God. O thers are quick to understand, and are a great

Say a Good Word for the K. B. to the Sunday School Teachers

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